Team WP Fledgling Fighters Fledgling Fighters EX #127


Street Fighter V

07 October 2020
Wednesday Oct 7th will be TeamWP Fledgling Fighters EX #127, a tournament for beginners (and intermediates on EX nights).

Signup link is below or tag NthPolygon with your CFN to enter by 8:15 PM AEST. The tournament will start at 8:30 PM AEST. That's 10:30 NZ, 8:30 NSW/Vic, 8:00 SA/NT, 7:30 QLD and 6:30 WA. Format is Ft2 double elimination, with Top 4 as Ft3.

If your match has a camera icon in the bracket, it means you're playing on stream. You will receive an invite from the stream hosts. If not, play your match through the battle lounge with your opponent when ready.

Just a quick reminder about our rules for entering Fledgling Tournaments:
1. Participants are ranked Rookie - Ultra Gold (Super Platinum for EX tournaments)
2. Have not ever reached Platinum (Ultra Platinum for EX) previously including Alts and Demotions.
3. Have not won 3 Fledgling tournaments previously. EX tournaments are considered a separate count.
4. Smurfing a Fledgling tournament will result in an instant ban from the Discord.
5. Training Room is the recommended stage due to connectivity on CFN.
6. Mid-set character swap is only allowed after losing a game. You can only change VT/VS on a win if your opponent changes character. Multiple character changes are possible in a Ft3 or longer set.
7. We have 12 emote slots allocated. Tournament winners get to pick a new emote at the organizers' discretion.