The Smash Syndicate The Smash Syndicate #23


02 September 2019
Stage list
Select a stage, display matches and ranking
Round 1
1 TheSiike 1
Bye -1
5 TSS | Zeal 1
Bye -1
7 JamafricanAfro 1
Bye -1
9 F0x | Maskedhero 1
Bye -1
11 Bruh 1
Bye -1
13 Bluxious 1
Bye -1
15 Chuckwow 1
Bye -1
12 Big J 0
TRexLordSW 2
39 Big J 1
Bye -1
47 Bye -1
Big J 1
6 ZL | Kipp 2
trash 0
36 trash 1
Bye -1
44 Bye -1
trash 1
14 Alex | epicchief 1
Steve Harvey -1
40 Steve Harvey 1
Bye -1
48 Bye -1
Steve Harvey 1
2 atomic 2
Bye -1
42 Bye -1
10 Dirtydarn 0
IamBogus 2
38 Dirtydarn 1
Bye -1
46 Bye -1
Dirtydarn 1
4 Aerials 0
Saleem Shady 2
35 Aerials 1
Bye -1
3 TSS | Leon 0
immigrant 2
34 TSS | Leon 1
Bye -1
23 Bluxious -1
Alex | epicchief 1
22 Bruh 0
TRexLordSW 2
16 my b | [Bombing King] 2
VelociT 1
41 VelociT 1
Bye -1
49 Bye -1
VelociT 1
19 TSS | Zeal 0
ZL | Kipp 2
8 One 0
Fox 2
37 One 1
Bye -1
45 Bye -1
One 1
43 TSS | Leon 2
Aerials 0
17 TheSiike 2
atomic 0
21 F0x | Maskedhero 2
IamBogus 0
55 TSS | Zeal 0
Big J 2
24 Chuckwow 1
my b | [Bombing King] 2
18 immigrant 0
Saleem Shady 2
51 Bluxious -1
TSS | Leon 1
52 Bruh 0
trash 2
20 JamafricanAfro 1
Fox 2
56 immigrant 1
Steve Harvey -1
50 Chuckwow 0
25 TheSiike 2
Saleem Shady 0
27 F0x | Maskedhero 1
TRexLordSW 2
53 IamBogus 2
One 0
28 Alex | epicchief 2
my b | [Bombing King] 0
57 atomic 0
VelociT 2
54 JamafricanAfro 2
Dirtydarn 0
59 trash 2
IamBogus 0
TSS | Leon 2
26 ZL | Kipp 2
Fox 1
30 TRexLordSW 2
Alex | epicchief 1
60 JamafricanAfro 2
Big J 1
61 immigrant 2
VelociT 0
62 Fox 0
TSS | Leon 2
63 Saleem Shady 2
trash 1
29 TheSiike 0
ZL | Kipp 2
64 my b | [Bombing King] 0
JamafricanAfro 2
65 F0x | Maskedhero 0
immigrant 2
66 TSS | Leon 1
Saleem Shady 2
68 Alex | epicchief 1
Saleem Shady -1
67 JamafricanAfro 0
immigrant 2
31 ZL | Kipp 1
TRexLordSW 3
69 TheSiike 0
immigrant 2
70 Alex | epicchief 0
immigrant 2
71 ZL | Kipp 0
immigrant 3
32 TRexLordSW 3
immigrant 0