NoCo Smash Ultimate Foco Ultimate Weekly #335


31 May 2024
Stage list
Select a stage, display matches and ranking
Round 1
11 JV | Auro 2
Dedlc 0
3 quasi 2
Hyrule 0
12 Giden 2
JV | Antiant 0
8 BMG | BoxLax 0
BMG | radnarly 2
7 Giden | David 2
LuigiLord 0
16 Zeal 2
Memecraft 0
14 Itsyaboysnoop 1
Hina 2
49 LuigiLord 0
BMG | BoxLax 2
22 JV | Auro 2
Giden 0
51 Dedlc 0
JV | Antiant 2
15 George Bush | The Twin Towers 2
Cynthia 0
2 sportylongshorts 2
RMHS | Tajin 0
4 CSG | SIke 2
Grimbly 0
6 TOM NOOK | Namki 3
Cat5Underscore 1
20 Giden | David 2
BMG | radnarly 0
17 Element | Shoe 2
sportylongshorts 0
10 Evil | Soap 2
RMHS | Kangaroo! 0
53 Cynthia 0
Memecraft 2
24 George Bush | The Twin Towers 2
Zeal 0
47 Hyrule 2
Grimbly 0
56 Giden 0
Cat5Underscore 2
21 ME | AciD 2
Evil | Soap 0
58 BMG | radnarly 0
RMHS | Kangaroo! 2
54 Zeal 2
RMHS | Tajin 0
61 sportylongshorts 2
Memecraft 0
27 ME | AciD 2
JV | Auro 0
18 quasi 1
CSG | SIke 2
19 ɅV | Super 2
TOM NOOK | Namki 1
23 Giden | Olive 2
Hina 3
25 Element | Shoe 2
CSG | SIke 1
57 Evil | Soap 2
BMG | BoxLax 1
55 Giden | Olive 2
Hyrule 0
59 TOM NOOK | Namki 3
JV | Antiant 1
28 Hina 0
George Bush | The Twin Towers 2
63 Cat5Underscore 0
Evil | Soap 2
60 quasi 0
Itsyaboysnoop 2
26 ɅV | Super 2
Giden | David 1
62 Zeal 0
Giden | Olive 2
65 Itsyaboysnoop 2
sportylongshorts 0
66 Giden | David 0
Giden | Olive 2
67 CSG | SIke 2
Evil | Soap 0
29 Element | Shoe 3
ɅV | Super 0
64 RMHS | Kangaroo! 1
TOM NOOK | Namki 3
30 ME | AciD 3
George Bush | The Twin Towers 2
68 Hina 3
TOM NOOK | Namki 1
69 JV | Auro 2
Itsyaboysnoop 1
70 Giden | Olive 3
CSG | SIke 2
71 Hina 0
JV | Auro 3
31 Element | Shoe 3
ME | AciD 0
72 George Bush | The Twin Towers 3
Giden | Olive 2
73 ɅV | Super 1
JV | Auro 3
74 George Bush | The Twin Towers 0
JV | Auro 3
75 ME | AciD 3
JV | Auro 1
32 Element | Shoe 1
ME | AciD 3
33 ME | AciD 0
Element | Shoe 3