North American P+ Leaderboard The Encore


19 August 2019
Stage list
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Round 1
34 BL | | Motobug 3
Havel 0
1 Wombat 3
TLOC | SS | Arsenals 0
5 P-| | ThundeRzReiGN~ 3
El Shroomo 0
36 Cloudburst 3
Gendo 0
35 Dumshiny 3
SoCal | Jason Waterfalls 0
8 Elk G | Ivayne 3
Brocal | Tealz 1
37 GA | Strat? 3
Krumpberry 1
7 Blank 0
Elk_G | Sugydye 3
4 PKK | The Doctor 3
PKK | Bongo 1
33 Elk G | Sabre 3
guttey 2
39 SC | Nave 2
Quandiverous 3
2 Connor 2
Sneez 3
38 Blub 3
Elk G | Big Large 2
3 [ePG] | Pikmon 3
NGG | Nezergy 2
40 ELK G | PKK | Mr.Watch&Learn 3
PKK | Aidan 2
44 El Shroomo 3
Cloudburst 1
42 Blank 2
BL | | Motobug 3
6 CY PKK TC | Rongunshu 3
Yung Quaff 1
46 NGG | Nezergy 3
Blub 0
45 PKK | Bongo 3
GA | Strat? 0
47 Connor 3
Quandiverous 1
48 TLOC | SS | Arsenals 2
ELK G | PKK | Mr.Watch&Learn 3
41 Brocal | Tealz 3
Elk G | Sabre 2
9 Wombat 3
Sneez 1
12 Elk_G | Sugydye 3
Elk G | Ivayne 1
11 P-| | ThundeRzReiGN~ 3
CY PKK TC | Rongunshu 2
43 Yung Quaff 3
Dumshiny 1
49 Brocal | Tealz 3
BL | | Motobug 2
52 Connor 2
ELK G | PKK | Mr.Watch&Learn 3
51 PKK | Bongo 2
NGG | Nezergy 3
10 [ePG] | Pikmon 1
PKK | The Doctor 3
50 Yung Quaff 3
El Shroomo 1
55 Elk G | Ivayne 3
NGG | Nezergy 1
53 [ePG] | Pikmon 3
Brocal | Tealz 0
56 CY PKK TC | Rongunshu 3
ELK G | PKK | Mr.Watch&Learn 2
58 Elk G | Ivayne 0
CY PKK TC | Rongunshu 3
54 Sneez 1
Yung Quaff 3
57 [ePG] | Pikmon 2
Yung Quaff 3
13 Wombat 3
PKK | The Doctor 1
14 P-| | ThundeRzReiGN~ 1
Elk_G | Sugydye 3
60 PKK | The Doctor 3
CY PKK TC | Rongunshu 0
59 P-| | ThundeRzReiGN~ 3
Yung Quaff 0
15 Wombat 3
Elk_G | Sugydye 0
61 P-| | ThundeRzReiGN~ 3
PKK | The Doctor 1
62 Elk_G | Sugydye 0
P-| | ThundeRzReiGN~ 3
16 Wombat 2
P-| | ThundeRzReiGN~ 3