Austin Melee Longhorn Weekly 144


07 March 2020
Stage list
Select a stage, display matches and ranking
Round 1
7 Wendy's | Jelloshot 2
c-rod 0
9 Palpa 2
ven 0
13 The Leaf 2
Grift 0
15 zxcv | Sungun 2
lady 0
11 Varsity_Scooter 1
Kiracite 2
2 ShaggyJ 1
GT 2
14 UT | Lonathan 2
PeachTea 0
12 Chives 2
5 Scorpion 2
Antho 0
16 Digital 2
pathojin 0
3 Laith 2
Karl 1
4 UT | Vitamix 2
GatoR 0
17 Peachy Keen 2
GT 0
22 Kiracite 0
Chives 2
53 Varsity_Scooter 2
54 Grift 0
PeachTea 2
10 UT | Markoto 2
Dabs? 0
55 lady 0
pathojin 2
23 The Leaf 2
UT | Lonathan 1
21 Palpa 2
UT | Markoto 0
24 zxcv | Sungun 2
Digital 0
6 Seme The Deputy 2
BlueVII 1
18 Laith 0
UT | Vitamix 2
52 ven 0
Dabs? 2
63 GT 2
pathojin 0
8 MikeDrop 2
MoonMan 1
49 Karl 1
GatoR 2
27 Palpa 2
Chives 0
25 Peachy Keen 2
UT | Vitamix 0
51 c-rod 0
MoonMan 2
62 Laith 2
PeachTea 0
57 UT | Lonathan 2
GatoR 0
19 Scorpion 1
Seme The Deputy 2
50 Antho 2
BlueVII 1
59 UT | Markoto 0
MoonMan 2
28 The Leaf 2
zxcv | Sungun 0
61 Scorpion 2
Varsity_Scooter 0
56 Digital 2
ShaggyJ 0
20 Wendy's | Jelloshot 2
MikeDrop 0
67 Laith 0
GT 2
58 Kiracite 1
Antho 2
71 Chives 0
GT 2
26 Seme The Deputy 1
Wendy's | Jelloshot 2
60 MikeDrop 2
Dabs? 1
65 Antho 2
MoonMan 0
66 MikeDrop 0
Scorpion 2
30 Palpa 3
The Leaf 0
29 Peachy Keen 3
Wendy's | Jelloshot 0
70 zxcv | Sungun 0
Scorpion 2
69 UT | Vitamix 1
Antho 2
64 Digital 1
UT | Lonathan 2
31 Peachy Keen 0
Palpa 3
73 Scorpion 1
GT 3
68 Seme The Deputy 1
UT | Lonathan 2
75 Wendy's | Jelloshot 3
GT 0
72 UT | Lonathan 3
Antho 0
74 The Leaf 3
UT | Lonathan 0
76 The Leaf 3
Wendy's | Jelloshot 0
77 Peachy Keen 3
The Leaf 1
32 Palpa 3
Peachy Keen 1