DN Official RU Smashin' Fall 2022 #11: The Rowan Arcadian


03 December 2022
Stage list
Select a stage, display matches and ranking
Round 1
1 MF | Kurama 1
Bye -1
3 MMMM~ 1
Bye -1
4 SU | acorn 1
Bye -1
5 alt | Crest 1
Bye -1
7 DN | Speed Racer 1
Bye -1
8 Raynbow 1
Bye -1
9 DN | Grey 1
Bye -1
11 ThePsychicBoy 1
Bye -1
12 Bred 1
Bye -1
13 DN | AUSTI 1
Bye -1
15 DN | Oppan Ganon Style 1
Bye -1
16 Rowan | Arcos 1
Bye -1
17 Alo! 1
Bye -1
19 DN | ZBosGaming 1
Bye -1
20 FreegeFran2150 1
Bye -1
Bye -1
23 PBJ | kino. 1
Bye -1
24 that0neguy 1
Bye -1
25 MF | Blase 1
Bye -1
27 Worthless 1
Bye -1
28 SU | PokemonMasterNick 1
Bye -1
29 SnD | Waliu 1
Bye -1
31 Calamari 1
Bye -1
32 F1re | DN | orGanic 1
Bye -1
34 MMMM~ 0
SU | acorn 2
22 RG | 0men 2
Bye -1
78 Bye -1
43 GALAXY -1
RG | 0men 1
Bye -1
30 Jonas 1
wonderfulCatastrophe -1
72 wonderfulCatastrophe 1
Bye -1
80 Bye -1
wonderfulCatastrophe 1
26 Oliver Closoff 1
ZAP -1
71 ZAP 1
Bye -1
79 Bye -1
2 DN | FakeYoutuberGuy 2
Volsento 1
65 Volsento 1
Bye -1
73 Bye -1
Volsento 1
10 Mageking 2
Citra | Mufn 0
67 Citra | Mufn 1
Bye -1
75 Bye -1
Citra | Mufn 1
14 Nameless 2
DN | MCheese 0
68 DN | MCheese 1
Bye -1
76 Bye -1
DN | MCheese 1
38 ThePsychicBoy 2
Bred 1
42 DN | ZBosGaming 2
FreegeFran2150 0
6 D.Shiesty 2
J2B 1
66 J2B 1
Bye -1
74 Bye -1
J2B 1
18 IBTeku -1
ILoveToSmash 1
69 IBTeku 1
Bye -1
77 Bye -1
IBTeku 1
47 SnD | Waliu 2
Jonas 0
82 Jonas 1
Bye -1
36 DN | Speed Racer 2
Raynbow 0
40 DN | Oppan Ganon Style 2
Rowan | Arcos 0
35 alt | Crest 2
D.Shiesty 0
94 D.Shiesty 1
Bye -1
37 DN | Grey 2
Mageking 0
92 Mageking 1
Bye -1
44 PBJ | kino. 1
that0neguy 2
95 MMMM~ 1
wonderfulCatastrophe -1
89 Rowan | Arcos 1
IBTeku -1
46 Worthless 2
SU | PokemonMasterNick 1
39 DN | AUSTI 2
Nameless 1
90 Nameless 1
Bye -1
41 Alo! 2
ILoveToSmash 0
88 ILoveToSmash 1
Bye -1
93 Raynbow 1
ZAP -1
87 FreegeFran2150 2
DN | MCheese 0
45 MF | Blase 2
Oliver Closoff 1
84 Oliver Closoff 1
Bye -1
91 Bred 0
48 Calamari 2
F1re | DN | orGanic 0
33 MF | Kurama 2
DN | FakeYoutuberGuy 1
96 DN | FakeYoutuberGuy 1
Bye -1
85 PBJ | kino. 2
Citra | Mufn 0
99 PBJ | kino. 1
100 FreegeFran2150 2
ILoveToSmash 0
83 SU | PokemonMasterNick 2
J2B 0
50 alt | Crest 2
DN | Speed Racer 1
81 F1re | DN | orGanic 0
Volsento 2
101 Rowan | Arcos 0
Nameless 2
102 HMT | GGECKO 0
Mageking 2
104 MMMM~ 2
DN | FakeYoutuberGuy 0
97 Volsento 2
Jonas 0
103 Raynbow 2
D.Shiesty 1
98 SU | PokemonMasterNick 2
Oliver Closoff 0
51 DN | Grey 2
ThePsychicBoy 0
49 MF | Kurama 2
SU | acorn 0
55 MF | Blase 1
Worthless 2
56 SnD | Waliu 2
Calamari 0
52 DN | AUSTI 0
DN | Oppan Ganon Style 2
111 that0neguy 0
Raynbow 2
109 Calamari 0
Nameless 2
106 ThePsychicBoy 0
SU | PokemonMasterNick 2
108 SU | acorn 2
FreegeFran2150 0
107 DN | Speed Racer 1
PBJ | kino. 2
112 DN | ZBosGaming 2
110 MF | Blase 2
Mageking 1
105 DN | AUSTI 2
Volsento 1
59 Alo! 2
RG | 0men 0
116 Raynbow 0
DN | ZBosGaming 2
58 DN | Grey 0
DN | Oppan Ganon Style 2
60 Worthless 1
SnD | Waliu 2
53 Alo! 2
DN | ZBosGaming 0
57 MF | Kurama 2
alt | Crest 0
54 RG | 0men 2
that0neguy 1
120 DN | Grey 2
DN | ZBosGaming 0
114 PBJ | kino. 0
SU | acorn 2
113 DN | AUSTI 2
SU | PokemonMasterNick 0
118 Worthless 2
SU | acorn 0
115 Nameless 2
MF | Blase 0
117 RG | 0men 2
61 MF | Kurama 3
DN | Oppan Ganon Style 1
62 Alo! 3
SnD | Waliu 0
119 alt | Crest 2
Nameless 1
121 RG | 0men 1
Worthless 3
122 alt | Crest 2
DN | Grey 3
63 MF | Kurama 0
Alo! 3
123 DN | Oppan Ganon Style 0
Worthless 3
124 SnD | Waliu 0
DN | Grey 3
125 Worthless 0
DN | Grey 3
126 MF | Kurama 3
DN | Grey 0
64 Alo! 3
MF | Kurama 2