Individual vanilla amiibo 1st flash of season 9


02 January 2021
Stage list
Select a stage, display matches and ranking
Round 1
1 MTJgator - Fox 1
Cookiezac - Jigglypuff 2
2 Staples - Zero suit samus 1
Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Ice Climbers 2
3 Echo - Rob 1
PrinZ - Zero suit samus 2
4 Murbert - Zero suit samus 0
LML123 - Sheik 2
5 random_fire - Rob 0
miim - Fox 2
6 Luckman - Zero suit samus 1
Carbon Show - Pichu 2
7 Jozz - Pichu 0
Mono - Pichu 2
8 1stAWSOMEMAN - Pichu 1
Obsessed - Jigglypuff 2
9 Cookiezac - Jigglypuff 0
Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Ice Climbers 2
10 PrinZ - Zero suit samus 0
LML123 - Sheik 2
11 miim - Fox 2
Carbon Show - Pichu 1
12 Mono - Pichu 0
Obsessed - Jigglypuff 2
13 Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Ice Climbers 2
LML123 - Sheik 0
14 miim - Fox 2
Obsessed - Jigglypuff 1
15 Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Ice Climbers 2
miim - Fox 1
16 MTJgator - Fox 0
Staples - Zero suit samus 2
17 Echo - Rob 0
Murbert - Zero suit samus 2
18 random_fire - Rob 0
Luckman - Zero suit samus 2
19 Jozz - Pichu 0
1stAWSOMEMAN - Pichu 2
20 Mono - Pichu 2
Staples - Zero suit samus 1
21 Carbon Show - Pichu 2
Murbert - Zero suit samus 0
22 PrinZ - Zero suit samus 1
Luckman - Zero suit samus 2
23 Cookiezac - Jigglypuff 2
1stAWSOMEMAN - Pichu 0
24 Mono - Pichu 1
Carbon Show - Pichu 2
25 Luckman - Zero suit samus 1
Cookiezac - Jigglypuff 2
26 LML123 - Sheik 2
Carbon Show - Pichu 0
27 Obsessed - Jigglypuff 2
Cookiezac - Jigglypuff 0
28 LML123 - Sheik 2
Obsessed - Jigglypuff 0
29 miim - Fox 0
LML123 - Sheik 2
30 Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Ice Climbers 1
LML123 - Sheik 2
31 LML123 - Sheik 1
Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Ice Climbers 2