Tired of 0-2 Tired of 0-2 #36


27 July 2021
Stage list
Select a stage, display matches and ranking
Group 1  
Round 1
2 Piboi 2
TSH | W0lf 0
40 liluwuzivert 2
NinjaWil 0
42 DevDogg 2
Zoomy 0
10 aptea 0
Evox 2
18 Yoshility 2
Yolkio 0
28 MAW | Rock 0
Wells 2
38 Xantron 2
Chamberoni 1
34 TSH | Fire_Gamer666 2
RiceFarmer 0
43 Allinyomouf 2
PorterOfGames 0
26 K0NG 2
DrAgile 0
52 Ditochi 0
liluwuzivert 2
48 Gare 2
KingMitreal 1
30 NOR 2
YC 1
33 DULL | Roychu 2
Piboi 1
105 NinjaWil 2
Yolkio 0
41 Manu 2
Yoshility 0
37 Lexionos 2
Evox 1
36 Eesh 0
vegeman 2
46 Bob Bob 1
Wells 2
6 liquid nitrogen 2
Tanowsky 1
97 KingMitreal 2
TSH | W0lf 0
44 sorokit 1
NattyIce 2
45 Chrismeister 2
K0NG 0
111 RiceFarmer 0
YC 2
117 NinjaWil 0
Nea, the Entity | Irish Martini 2
116 Zoomy 2
Yoshility 0
101 sorokit 2
aptea 0
53 Manu 2
DevDogg 0
47 PierreLuk 2
35 Beekman 2
liquid nitrogen 0
55 Chrismeister 2
Wells 0
51 Lexionos 2
Xantron 1
49 DULL | Roychu 2
TSH | Fire_Gamer666 1
120 YC 0
Piboi 2
109 Eesh 2
DrAgile 0
118 Chamberoni 1
Evox 2
54 Allinyomouf 2
NattyIce 0
50 Beekman 2
vegeman 0
114 Tanowsky 0
K0NG 2
115 sorokit 2
PorterOfGames 0
58 Lexionos 0
liluwuzivert 2
128 DevDogg 0
Piboi 2
126 Wells 0
Evox 2
124 TSH | Fire_Gamer666 0
Zoomy 2
113 KingMitreal 2
119 Eesh 2
liquid nitrogen 0
57 DULL | Roychu 0
Beekman 2
59 Manu 0
Allinyomouf 2
123 vegeman 2
sorokit 0
122 Xantron 1
K0NG 2
56 PierreLuk 1
Gare 2
121 Ditochi 0
KingMitreal 2
127 NattyIce 0
Eesh 2
61 Beekman 2
liluwuzivert 0
60 Chrismeister 2
Gare 0
129 KingMitreal 2
K0NG 0
130 vegeman 2
Zoomy 1
125 PierreLuk 0
Nea, the Entity | Irish Martini 2
132 Eesh 2
Piboi 0
133 Manu 2
KingMitreal 1
134 Gare 2
vegeman 1
62 Allinyomouf 2
Chrismeister 1
131 Nea, the Entity | Irish Martini 2
Evox 1
137 Manu 0
Gare 2
135 DULL | Roychu 0
Nea, the Entity | Irish Martini 2
63 Beekman 1
Allinyomouf 3
139 liluwuzivert 2
Gare 1
140 Chrismeister 2
Eesh 0
142 Beekman 0
Chrismeister 3
64 Allinyomouf 3
Chrismeister 1