Individual vanilla amiibo Yes more B and below


04 March 2021
Stage list
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Round 1
1 Staples - Luigi 2
Luckman - Richter 1
2 Carbon Show - Roy 1
RedO - Pikachu 2
3 tjhratchetandclank - Sonic 2
TraumatizedBaconbits - Ken 1
4 Zoom - Yoshi 2
MTJgator - Megaman 0
5 Fammydamammy - Yoshi 2
Cookiezac - Duck hunt 0
6 TimSchmid22 - Palutena 1
Leeya - Joker 2
7 Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Corrin 2
Dreamy Jay - Koopaling 0
8 MeleeWaluigi - Duck hunt 2
Obsessed - Pikachu 1
9 Staples - Luigi 2
RedO - Pikachu 0
10 tjhratchetandclank - Sonic 1
Zoom - Yoshi 2
11 Fammydamammy - Yoshi 2
Leeya - Joker 0
12 Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Corrin 2
MeleeWaluigi - Duck hunt 1
13 Staples - Luigi 1
Zoom - Yoshi 2
14 Fammydamammy - Yoshi 0
Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Corrin 2
15 Zoom - Yoshi 2
Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Corrin 1
16 Luckman - Richter 2
Carbon Show - Roy 1
17 TraumatizedBaconbits - Ken 1
MTJgator - Megaman 2
18 Cookiezac - Duck hunt 1
TimSchmid22 - Palutena 2
19 Dreamy Jay - Koopaling 0
Obsessed - Pikachu 2
20 MeleeWaluigi - Duck hunt 0
Luckman - Richter 2
21 Leeya - Joker 0
MTJgator - Megaman 2
22 tjhratchetandclank - Sonic 0
TimSchmid22 - Palutena 2
23 RedO - Pikachu 0
Obsessed - Pikachu 2
24 Luckman - Richter 0
MTJgator - Megaman 2
25 TimSchmid22 - Palutena 2
Obsessed - Pikachu 1
26 Staples - Luigi 0
MTJgator - Megaman 2
27 Fammydamammy - Yoshi 2
TimSchmid22 - Palutena 1
28 MTJgator - Megaman 0
Fammydamammy - Yoshi 2
29 Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Corrin 2
Fammydamammy - Yoshi 0
30 Zoom - Yoshi 0
Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Corrin 3
31 Spike (Pastor of Muppets) - Corrin 3
Zoom - Yoshi 0