Stage list
Select a stage, display matches and ranking
Round 1
2 Noah - Snake 2
CeMa - Simon 0
7 PeriSis - Yoshi 1
Penguino - Pokemon Trainer 2
12 LovingStew - Wolf 2
PikaPool - Mewtwo 1
8 Mono - Ice Climbers 1
Ika - Robin 2
16 Obsessed - Pokemon Trainer 1
Palores - Mega Man 2
1 Isla - Ice Climbers 0
penguhr - Pokemon Trainer 2
5 BenjiDaGangsta - Fox 2
nickclark - Wolf 1
6 PrinZ - Marth 2
The Poop Men - Cloud 1
10 Nurfboy - Yoshi 2
Bruceleeroy - Lucina 0
18 jozz - Dr. Mario 2
LML123 - Chrom 0
24 Riparo - Corrin 2
Simply_Jay - Cloud 0
4 Superberry - Fox 2
Red0 - Pikachu 0
26 Linkushi - Cloud 2
tj stap - Little Mac 1
48 Obsessed - Pokemon Trainer 2
PeriSis - Yoshi 0
42 tj stap - Little Mac 0
Isla - Ice Climbers 2
11 Dreamy_Jay - ROB 0
penguhr - Pokemon Trainer 2
47 LML123 - Chrom 1
The Poop Men - Cloud 2
21 Lil Eric - Snake 1
Penguino - Pokemon Trainer 2
17 LittleFang - Diddy Kong 2
BenjiDaGangsta - Fox 0
13 Pepsiman - Zelda 2
Noah - Snake 0
51 PikaPool - Mewtwo 2
Bruceleeroy - Lucina 1
43 Simply_Jay - Cloud 0
CeMa - Simon 2
27 penguhr - Pokemon Trainer 2
LovingStew - Wolf 0
22 MiDe - Pokemon Trainer 2
Ika - Robin 0
56 BenjiDaGangsta - Fox 0
The Poop Men - Cloud 2
20 Kangoni - Ice Climbers 2
gamer - Isabelle 1
3 randomfire13 - Cloud 2
PhoenixSunrise - Samus 0
25 Peridot - Ice Climbers 2
Nurfboy - Yoshi 1
59 Dreamy_Jay - ROB 0
PikaPool - Mewtwo 2
9 ShadowX - Sonic -1
TimDaWarMachine - Snake 0
52 Nurfboy - Yoshi 0
Isla - Ice Climbers 2
14 Staples - Cloud 2
randomfire13 - Cloud 0
15 CarbonShow - Dr. Mario 2
Superberry - Fox 1
23 Fammy - Dr. Mario 2
TimDaWarMachine - Snake 1
28 Pepsiman - Zelda 0
Staples - Cloud 2
45 Ika - Robin 2
Red0 - Pikachu 0
34 Peridot - Ice Climbers 0
Linkushi - Cloud -1
29 CarbonShow - Dr. Mario 2
Palores - Mega Man 0
19 Pi$$edOFFMom - Dr. Mario 2
PrinZ - Marth 1
46 gamer - Isabelle 2
nickclark - Wolf 1
30 LittleFang - Diddy Kong 0
jozz - Dr. Mario 2
54 Lil Eric - Snake 2
Ika - Robin 0
32 Penguino - Pokemon Trainer 1
MiDe - Pokemon Trainer 2
64 Linkushi - Cloud 2
The Poop Men - Cloud 1
60 LittleFang - Diddy Kong 2
Isla - Ice Climbers 1
33 Fammy - Dr. Mario 2
Riparo - Corrin 0
44 TimDaWarMachine - Snake 2
PhoenixSunrise - Samus 1
50 randomfire13 - Cloud 0
ShadowX - Sonic -1
49 Superberry - Fox 2
Mono - Ice Climbers 1
31 Pi$$edOFFMom - Dr. Mario 1
Kangoni - Ice Climbers 2
38 Fammy - Dr. Mario 2
Peridot - Ice Climbers 1
36 CarbonShow - Dr. Mario 2
jozz - Dr. Mario 0
53 CeMa - Simon 0
TimDaWarMachine - Snake 2
57 Obsessed - Pokemon Trainer 1
Superberry - Fox 2
55 PrinZ - Marth 0
gamer - Isabelle 2
58 Noah - Snake 1
randomfire13 - Cloud 2
62 Pepsiman - Zelda 2
Lil Eric - Snake 0
63 LovingStew - Wolf 2
gamer - Isabelle 0
66 Penguino - Pokemon Trainer -1
randomfire13 - Cloud 0
67 Pi$$edOFFMom - Dr. Mario 2
PikaPool - Mewtwo 1
65 Riparo - Corrin 2
Superberry - Fox 0
69 Pepsiman - Zelda 2
LovingStew - Wolf 1
35 penguhr - Pokemon Trainer 0
Staples - Cloud 2
70 Linkushi - Cloud 0
Riparo - Corrin 2
61 Palores - Mega Man 1
TimDaWarMachine - Snake 2
68 LittleFang - Diddy Kong 2
TimDaWarMachine - Snake 0
73 Peridot - Ice Climbers 1
Pepsiman - Zelda 2
74 penguhr - Pokemon Trainer 1
Riparo - Corrin 2
71 randomfire13 - Cloud 2
Pi$$edOFFMom - Dr. Mario 1
39 Staples - Cloud 2
CarbonShow - Dr. Mario 1
75 jozz - Dr. Mario 2
randomfire13 - Cloud 1
77 Riparo - Corrin 0
jozz - Dr. Mario 2
37 Kangoni - Ice Climbers 2
MiDe - Pokemon Trainer 1
40 Kangoni - Ice Climbers 0
Fammy - Dr. Mario 2
79 Kangoni - Ice Climbers 2
jozz - Dr. Mario 1
72 MiDe - Pokemon Trainer 1
LittleFang - Diddy Kong 2
76 LittleFang - Diddy Kong 0
Pepsiman - Zelda 2
78 CarbonShow - Dr. Mario 0
Pepsiman - Zelda 2
41 Staples - Cloud 1
Fammy - Dr. Mario 3
80 Pepsiman - Zelda 0
Kangoni - Ice Climbers 2
81 Staples - Cloud 3
Kangoni - Ice Climbers 1
82 Fammy - Dr. Mario 3
Staples - Cloud 1