Stage list
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Round 1
16 T.S. | VAMPIRE 2
Gajasa 0
12 she/her | sickle 2
David 0
3 FSF | Consent is Badass 2
stay focused. | Casca 0
8 Hugg1es 2
FairJordans 0
2 weed eater 2
LSG | ggecko 1
6 ZASE | ZBosGaming 2
Slanderous 1
4 Grey 2
Mitchlel 0
19 PBJ | Noodl 2
ZASE | ZBosGaming 0
17 A9 2
weed eater 1
24 Cipher 0
10 SYE | The Real Mr. M 2
OLD | pheeyl 1
56 ZASE | ZBosGaming 2
David 1
20 Apsara 2
Hugg1es 0
22 FOA | Tarnished 1
she/her | sickle 2
18 FSF | Consent is Badass 0
Grey 2
44 stay focused. | Casca 0
Mitchlel 2
14 ^T | TheHyperactiveD3 1
Playmaker 2
58 weed eater 2
Gajasa 0
21 Vince 2
SYE | The Real Mr. M 0
55 Hugg1es 0
OLD | pheeyl 2
51 Cipher 1
LSG | ggecko 2
53 FOA | Tarnished 2
Slanderous 1
23 CTE | Sauce 2
Playmaker 1
54 SYE | The Real Mr. M 2
FairJordans 0
57 FSF | Consent is Badass 0
^T | TheHyperactiveD3 2
60 FOA | Tarnished 2
SYE | The Real Mr. M 0
25 A9 3
Grey 0
52 Playmaker 2
Mitchlel 0
62 ^T | TheHyperactiveD3 2
weed eater 0
61 OLD | pheeyl 1
ZASE | ZBosGaming 2
27 Vince 3
she/her | sickle 1
59 LSG | ggecko 2
Playmaker 1
26 PBJ | Noodl 3
Apsara 1
64 Grey 3
FOA | Tarnished 1
28 CTE | Sauce 3
63 Apsara 3
LSG | ggecko 1
66 she/her | sickle 3
^T | TheHyperactiveD3 0
29 A9 3
PBJ | Noodl 0
65 T.S. | VAMPIRE 3
ZASE | ZBosGaming 0
30 Vince 0
CTE | Sauce 3
67 Apsara 3
Grey 2
68 T.S. | VAMPIRE 1
she/her | sickle 3
69 Vince 3
Apsara 1
70 PBJ | Noodl 3
she/her | sickle 2
31 A9 3
CTE | Sauce 0
71 Vince 3
PBJ | Noodl 1
32 A9 2
Vince 3
33 Vince 0
A9 3
72 CTE | Sauce 0
Vince 3