STABS Created Units TABS Hill


28 February 2021
Stage list
Select a stage, display matches and ranking
Round 1
1 (AME)Nezuko(1600) 2
(DR)Jevil(3200) 0
2 (UT)Undyne(2100) 2
(M)Skapple(800) 0
3 (OG)Siren Head(20000) 1
(RLS)John Roseheart(1100) 2
4 (M)Sunoka(1300) 0
(S)Patricia(Patience)(650) 2
5 (DDFC)Bianca(1100) 0
(UTCO)SkeleNess(700) 2
6 (ULT)Legacy Ultimate(3800) 2
(DDFC)Broken Lulu(2200) 0
7 (AME)Sebastian Michaelis(850) 0
(UC)Luke(1600) 2
8 (S)Justin(Justice)(850) 0
(UTCO)Apple(200) 2
9 (HOL)Satan Claws(1800) 1
(AML)Neko(450) 2
10 (HIS)Aztec(300) 0
(HIS)Ottoman(300) 2
11 (UC)Ink!Trisk(400) 0
(M)Angel(1600) 2
12 (UTCO)Danielle(4800) 0
(DDFC)Evie(850) 2
13 (UT)Greater Dog(400) 2
(UT)Toriel(700) 0
14 (UT)Sans(2600) 0
(UTCO)Issac(2300) 2
15 (UTCO)ChasmTaleChara(1700) 2
(AML)Feesh(200) 0
20 (OG)Ittle Dew(1400) 0
(UT)Asriel Dreemurr(2400) 2
36 (DDFC)Neko Frisk(1050) 0
(UC)Javen(4000) 2
16 (HOL)Sh-Elf(600) 0
(HOL)Santa Claws(600) 2
17 (UT)Undyne the Undying(15000) 2
(UTCO)Arthur(750) 0
18 (DR)Susie(1300) 2
(RLS)Demon Horror(2100) 0
19 (UTCO)Rink(5500) 2
(HIS)Egyptian(500) 0
21 (ULT)Medieval Ultimate(2000) 2
(AU)Error Sans(200) 0
45 (HIS)Riot Police(400) 2
(M)Gatherer(700) 0
22 (S)Ilia(Integrity)(1100) 0
(HOL)Elf(150) 2
23 (AU)StoryShiftAsriel(400) 0
(AU)Ink Sans(5000) 2
24 (ULT)Spooky Ultimate(4200) 0
(UTCO)Steven(1200) 2
25 (AME)Tanjiro(1500) 0
(S)Francine(Fear)(1100) 2
26 (DR)Lancer(1250) 0
(ULT)Farmer Ultimate(1700) 2
27 (UTCO)ROTTEN(900) 0
(DCFC)Wither(1000) 2
28 (DDFC)Willow(1100) 2
(UT)Frisk(500) 0
29 (HIS)The Queen(500) 2
(AU)UnderSwap Papyrus(2700) 0
39 (HIS)Swashbuckler(500) 0
(S)Pat(Perseverance)(2000) 2
31 (DDFC)Dova(500) 2
(AME)Inosuke(1750) 0
30 (OG)Frank(6800) 0
(AU)Blueberry(600) 2
32 (M)Satan(4000) 0
(AU)StoryShiftChara(1800) 2
33 (UT)Mettaton EX(2500) 1
(ULT)Ultimate Summoner(1800) 2
34 (ULT)Tribal Ultimate(2500) 2
(AU)Bad Time Duo(5300) 0
35 (S)Katie(Kindness)(500) 2
(ULT)Pirate Ultimate(2900) 0
37 (ULT)Dynasty Ultimate(5500) 2
(AU)TS!Underswap Chara(600) 0
38 (UT)Asgore(3000) 2
(OG)Sakuya Izayoi(2200) 0
40 (AME)Madara Uchiha(1800) 2
(OG)Dust(4500) 0
41 (UT)Muffet(1100) 2
(UTCO)Sage(2200) 1
42 (S)Henry(Hate)(800) 0
(HIS)Mongol(300) 2
43 (DR)Kris(700) 1
(RLS)Jennie(2400) 2
44 (DR)Ralsei(550) 2
(AML)Crab Warrior(400) 1
46 (M)Wraith(3500) 2
(AME)Itachi Uchiha(2900) 0
47 (UC)Gifflet(1500) 1
(UTCO)Max(500) 2
48 (AML)Bird God(3000) 2
(ULT)Secret Ultimate(1400) 1
52 (ULT)Viking Ultimate(3800) 2
(M)Ignitis(600) 0
49 (PC)Steven Quartz Universe(1100) 0
(M)Bubbles(900) 2
50 (UT)Red(2800) 0
(DDFC)Corben(2700) 2
51 (PC)Emperor Palpatine(2700) 2
(UTCO)EpicShiftChara(5600) 0
53 (DDFC)Yato(2400) -1
(PC)Darth Vader(6400) 0
59 (PC)Luke Skywalker(3100) 0
(HIS)Gladiator(1050) 2
54 (OG)Shotgun Witch(1400) 1
(S)David(Determination)(2500) 2
55 (S)Lucas(Bravery)(850) 0
(M)Ice King(2100) 2
60 (RLS)Jamie(500) 0
(M)Katana Master(4200) 2
56 (AME)Zenitsu Agatsuma(1700) 2
(ULT)Wild West Ultimate(2600) 0
58 (DDFC)Leif Marillerk(2200) 2
(ULT)Renaissance Ultimate(4300) 0
57 (DDFC)Teddy(1600) 2
(AU)Epic!Sans(2400) 0
61 (OG)Slenderman(1300) 2
(DR)Chaos King(5100) 0
62 (UT)Papyrus(600) 0
(OG)Paint the Town Red(2700) 2
63 (UT)Chara(2000) 0
(AML)Commander Cluck(500) 2
64 (ULT)Ancient Ultimate(2000) 2
(OG)Minecraft Steve(750) 0
82 (S)Katie(Kindness)(500) 0
(UC)Javen(4000) 2
68 (UC)Luke(1600) 2
(UTCO)Apple(200) 0
76 (AU)Ink Sans(5000) 0
(UTCO)Steven(1200) 2
89 (M)Bubbles(900) 0
(DDFC)Corben(2700) 2
87 (HIS)Riot Police(400) 2
(M)Wraith(3500) 0
88 (UTCO)Max(500) 0
(AML)Bird God(3000) 2
65 (AME)Nezuko(1600) 2
(UT)Undyne(2100) 0
71 (UT)Greater Dog(400) 0
(UTCO)Issac(2300) 2
67 (UTCO)SkeleNess(700) 0
(ULT)Legacy Ultimate(3800) 2
66 (RLS)John Roseheart(1100) 2
(S)Patricia(Patience)(650) 0
77 (S)Francine(Fear)(1100) 2
(ULT)Farmer Ultimate(1700) 0
81 (ULT)Ultimate Summoner(1800) 2
(ULT)Tribal Ultimate(2500) 0
69 (AML)Neko(450) 2
(HIS)Ottoman(300) 0
96 (AML)Commander Cluck(500) 2
(ULT)Ancient Ultimate(2000) 0
83 (ULT)Dynasty Ultimate(5500) 0
(UT)Asgore(3000) 2
70 (M)Angel(1600) 0
(DDFC)Evie(850) 2
72 (UTCO)ChasmTaleChara(1700) 2
(HOL)Santa Claws(600) 1
73 (UT)Undyne the Undying(15000) 0
(DR)Susie(1300) 2
74 (UTCO)Rink(5500) 0
(UT)Asriel Dreemurr(2400) 2
75 (ULT)Medieval Ultimate(2000) 0
(HOL)Elf(150) 2
78 (DCFC)Wither(1000) 0
(DDFC)Willow(1100) 2
79 (HIS)The Queen(500) 0
(AU)Blueberry(600) 2
80 (DDFC)Dova(500) 2
(AU)StoryShiftChara(1800) 0
84 (S)Pat(Perseverance)(2000) 0
(AME)Madara Uchiha(1800) 2
85 (UT)Muffet(1100) 2
(HIS)Mongol(300) 0
86 (RLS)Jennie(2400) 2
(DR)Ralsei(550) 1
90 (PC)Emperor Palpatine(2700) 2
(ULT)Viking Ultimate(3800) 0
91 (PC)Darth Vader(6400) 1
(S)David(Determination)(2500) 2
92 (M)Ice King(2100) 0
(AME)Zenitsu Agatsuma(1700) 2
93 (DDFC)Teddy(1600) 2
(DDFC)Leif Marillerk(2200) 1
95 (OG)Slenderman(1300) 0
(OG)Paint the Town Red(2700) 2
94 (HIS)Gladiator(1050) 2
(M)Katana Master(4200) 0
97 (AME)Nezuko(1600) 2
(RLS)John Roseheart(1100) 0
98 (ULT)Legacy Ultimate(3800) 2
(UC)Luke(1600) 0
99 (AML)Neko(450) 0
(DDFC)Evie(850) 2
100 (UTCO)Issac(2300) 2
(UTCO)ChasmTaleChara(1700) 0
101 (DR)Susie(1300) 0
(UT)Asriel Dreemurr(2400) 2
102 (HOL)Elf(150) 0
(UTCO)Steven(1200) 2
103 (S)Francine(Fear)(1100) 2
(DDFC)Willow(1100) 0
104 (AU)Blueberry(600) 0
(DDFC)Dova(500) 2
105 (ULT)Ultimate Summoner(1800) 0
(UC)Javen(4000) 2
106 (UT)Asgore(3000) 2
(AME)Madara Uchiha(1800) 0
107 (UT)Muffet(1100) 1
(RLS)Jennie(2400) 2
108 (HIS)Riot Police(400) 0
(AML)Bird God(3000) 2
109 (DDFC)Corben(2700) 0
(PC)Emperor Palpatine(2700) 2
110 (S)David(Determination)(2500) 2
(AME)Zenitsu Agatsuma(1700) 0
111 (DDFC)Teddy(1600) 2
(HIS)Gladiator(1050) 0
112 (OG)Paint the Town Red(2700) 2
(AML)Commander Cluck(500) 0
113 (AME)Nezuko(1600) 0
(ULT)Legacy Ultimate(3800) 2
114 (DDFC)Evie(850) 2
(UTCO)Issac(2300) 0
115 (UT)Asriel Dreemurr(2400) 2
(UTCO)Steven(1200) 0
116 (S)Francine(Fear)(1100) 0
(DDFC)Dova(500) 2
117 (UC)Javen(4000) 2
(UT)Asgore(3000) 0
118 (RLS)Jennie(2400) 0
(AML)Bird God(3000) 2
119 (PC)Emperor Palpatine(2700) 2
(S)David(Determination)(2500) 0
120 (DDFC)Teddy(1600) 0
(OG)Paint the Town Red(2700) 2
121 (ULT)Legacy Ultimate(3800) 0
(DDFC)Evie(850) 2
122 (UT)Asriel Dreemurr(2400) 2
(DDFC)Dova(500) 0
123 (UC)Javen(4000) 2
(AML)Bird God(3000) 0
124 (PC)Emperor Palpatine(2700) 2
(OG)Paint the Town Red(2700) 0
125 (DDFC)Evie(850) 0
(UT)Asriel Dreemurr(2400) 2
126 (UC)Javen(4000) 2
(PC)Emperor Palpatine(2700) 0
128 (DDFC)Evie(850) 2
(PC)Emperor Palpatine(2700) 0
127 (UT)Asriel Dreemurr(2400) 0
(UC)Javen(4000) 2