U of R Smash Club Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Smash Club is an organization that hosts Super Smash Bros events at the University of Regina. Free weekly events generally occur every Thursday at the University, and paid events generally occur once a month on Saturdays.
You do not need to be a student to attend events, and all Smash players (64, Melee, Brawl, Smash 4 Wii U, Ultimate) are encouraged to come, just remember to bring setups!
Tournament brackets are tentative, and not guaranteed to happen for every game unless there are enough setups and player interest.
For questions or inquiries feel free to leave a comment on this page or message one of the admins, Carter Graham, or Zach Jerkovits, and we will get back to you. Thank you!
Smash Club is a certified club under the University of Regina Students Union, founded by Ty Moskal and Jon Sorensen.
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Helpful links:
UofR Smash Club Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uofrsmash/
Saskatchewan Smash Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sasksmash/
UofR Smash Club Tournaments: https://smashclub.challonge.com/tournaments/
Saskatchewan Smash Discord: https://bit.ly/sasksmashdiscord
UofR Smash Club ELO Rankings: https://bit.ly/smashclubrankings
Saskatchewan Smash ELO Rankings: https://bit.ly/sasksmashrankings
Upcoming Smash Events in Saskatchewan: https://bit.ly/sasksmashevents
VODs of previous Saskatchewan Events: https://bit.ly/sasksmashvods
Official Rules used at Smash Events: https://bit.ly/sasksmashrules
You do not need to be a student to attend events, and all Smash players (64, Melee, Brawl, Smash 4 Wii U, Ultimate) are encouraged to come, just remember to bring setups!
Tournament brackets are tentative, and not guaranteed to happen for every game unless there are enough setups and player interest.
For questions or inquiries feel free to leave a comment on this page or message one of the admins, Carter Graham, or Zach Jerkovits, and we will get back to you. Thank you!
Smash Club is a certified club under the University of Regina Students Union, founded by Ty Moskal and Jon Sorensen.
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Helpful links:
UofR Smash Club Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uofrsmash/
Saskatchewan Smash Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sasksmash/
UofR Smash Club Tournaments: https://smashclub.challonge.com/tournaments/
Saskatchewan Smash Discord: https://bit.ly/sasksmashdiscord
UofR Smash Club ELO Rankings: https://bit.ly/smashclubrankings
Saskatchewan Smash ELO Rankings: https://bit.ly/sasksmashrankings
Upcoming Smash Events in Saskatchewan: https://bit.ly/sasksmashevents
VODs of previous Saskatchewan Events: https://bit.ly/sasksmashvods
Official Rules used at Smash Events: https://bit.ly/sasksmashrules