Smash Norge - Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

3 831
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
108th out of 3831
All times
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (245)
Overall performance in matches
62% Win rate
Win 153
Draw 0
Lose 92
+ 378
- 289
+/- 89
Tournament statistics (51)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 2
Top 3 6
Top 8 14
Top 16 20
Top 32 9
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 7x vs alextorg
Most lost 8x vs alextorg
Most played 15x vs alextorg
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Signag
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs DownB-god
Matches history (245)
Result Score Date
Garelaf: The Return: THE RETURN
Lose vs Koji 0-3 2024-07-14
Win vs Pact 3-1 2024-07-14
Win vs JiiChan 3-0 2024-07-14
Lose vs JoRo 0-3 2024-07-14
Win vs Dovii 3-1 2024-07-14
Win vs RTY | Oppentrapp 2-0 2024-07-14
Win vs Signag 2-1 2024-07-14
Win vs Koji 2-1 2024-07-14
Lose vs MZP | Vavik 0-2 2024-07-14
School of Smash UiO #67
Lose vs Lex 0-2 2023-11-22
Lose vs Penguin | (")> 1-2 2023-11-22
Win vs siob 2-0 2023-11-22
School of Smash UiO #52
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 0-3 2023-05-31
Lose vs Penguin | (")> 0-2 2023-05-31
School of Smash UiO #49
Lose vs Penguin | (")> 0-2 2023-04-26
Lose vs Passionate_Red 0-2 2023-04-26
School of Smash UiO #48
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 0-2 2023-04-19
Win vs Ilyas 2-0 2023-04-19
Win vs Lex 2-1 2023-04-19
Lose vs Pyrum 1-2 2023-04-19
Win vs Hauru (Flight) 2-1 2023-04-19
School of Smash UiO #44
Lose vs SpicyWiener 1-2 2023-03-15
Lose vs Penguin | (")> 0-2 2023-03-15
School of Smash UiO #42
Lose vs Nemui 1-2 2023-03-01
Lose vs Penguin | (")> 0-2 2023-03-01
Win vs Pyrum 2-1 2023-03-01
School of Smash UiO #40
Lose vs NIDA | Psyro 1-2 2023-02-15
Win vs Jorgen 2-0 2023-02-15
Lose vs HiGPS 0-2 2023-02-15
Win vs Pearsrs 2-1 2023-02-15
School of Smash UiO #39
Lose vs alextorg 0-2 2023-02-08
Win vs tob 2-1 2023-02-08
Win vs Signag 2-1 2023-02-08
Lose vs Joalot 0-2 2023-02-08
Win vs Uleiman1 2-1 2023-02-08
School of Smash UiO #37
Lose vs Nezoxy 2-3 2023-01-25
Win vs Jorgen 2-0 2023-01-25
Win vs Ilyas 2-1 2023-01-25
Win vs Passionate_Red 2-0 2023-01-25
Lose vs DownB-god 1-2 2023-01-25
House of Smash @ Vulkan #40: Ultimate + Multiversus
Lose vs Joalot 0-3 2023-01-08
Win vs Pyrum 2-0 2023-01-08
Win vs Nemui 2-1 2023-01-08
Win vs MKH | SouljaBoiTELLEM 2-1 2023-01-08
Lose vs alextorg 1-2 2023-01-08
Win vs RES | Kise Seryuu 2-1 2023-01-08
School of Smash UiO #34
Win vs JM 3-2 2022-11-23
Lose vs JM 1-3 2022-11-23
Win vs Signag 3-1 2022-11-23
Win vs Lex 3-2 2022-11-23
Win vs Neirveran 3-0 2022-11-23
House of Smash @ Vulkan #36 Ultimate + Smash 4
Lose vs Knowit | Raikoss 2-3 2022-11-20
Win vs Penguin | (")> 3-1 2022-11-20
Win vs JM 3-1 2022-11-20
Win vs Nemui 2-0 2022-11-20
Lose vs alextorg 0-2 2022-11-20
Win vs Lex 2-0 2022-11-20
Win vs OH 2-0 2022-11-20
School of Smash UiO #33
Lose vs alextorg 1-3 2022-11-16
Win vs Bollefar 3-0 2022-11-16
Lose vs alextorg 1-3 2022-11-16
Win vs SpicyWiener 2-0 2022-11-16
Win vs Bollefar 2-1 2022-11-16
Win vs Dragmire Jr. 2-0 2022-11-16
School of Smash UiO #32
Lose vs Penguin | (")> 1-3 2022-11-09
Win vs Hauru (Flight) 2-1 2022-11-09
Lose vs Lex 0-2 2022-11-09
School of Smash UiO #31
Lose vs Uuit+ 0-2 2022-11-02
Win vs Signag 2-1 2022-11-02
Lose vs JM 0-2 2022-11-02
School of Smash UiO #30
Lose vs Uuit+ 2-3 2022-10-26
Win vs Lex 2-1 2022-10-26
Win vs Penny 2-0 2022-10-26
Lose vs alextorg 0-2 2022-10-26
Win vs Signag 2-1 2022-10-26
School of Smash UiO #27
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 1-3 2022-10-05
Win vs MKH | Sluk 3-1 2022-10-05
Win vs Jorgen 2-0 2022-10-05
Win vs Penguin | (")> 2-1 2022-10-05
Win vs CAL 2-0 2022-10-05
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 0-2 2022-10-05
Win vs Sverre 2-0 2022-10-05
UiO Smash Bros. x SiO
Lose vs DownB-god 1-2 2022-09-25
Win vs Theodor A 2-0 2022-09-25
Lose vs Pyrum 0-2 2022-09-25
School of Smash UiO #23
Lose vs alextorg 1-3 2022-08-31
Win vs Penguin | (")> 2-1 2022-08-31
Lose vs Joalot 0-2 2022-08-31
Win vs FMG | Voravi?! 2-1 2022-08-31
Win vs Sverre 2-1 2022-08-31
School of Smash UiO #22 - SEMESTERSTART
Lose vs Uuit+ 0-2 2022-08-24
Lose vs RTY | Anbil 0-2 2022-08-24
Win vs Bollefar 2-0 2022-08-24
Win vs Penny 2-1 2022-08-24
School of Smash UiO #7
Lose vs DownB-god -1-1 2022-03-25
Lose vs Penguin | (")> 1-2 2022-03-25
Eldorado Fight Night #7
Lose vs iLift 1-2 2021-11-22
Win vs zlaker 2-1 2021-11-22
Lose vs RTY | Anbil 0-2 2021-11-22
Win vs Sak 2-0 2021-11-22
Eldorado Fight Night #6
Win vs Drolo 2-0 2021-11-09
Lose vs alextorg 0-2 2021-11-08
Win vs Joalot 2-0 2021-11-08
Win vs JM 2-1 2021-11-08
Lose vs Kuzuha 0-2 2021-11-08
OMG Halloween LAN 2021 - Smash
Win vs Hauru (Flight) 2-0 2021-10-30
Win vs Leart 2-0 2021-10-30
Win vs June 2-1 2021-10-30
Lose vs Kuzuha 0-2 2021-10-30
Win vs Leart 2-0 2021-10-30
Eldorado Fight Night #5
Lose vs Kuzuha 0-2 2021-10-25
Win vs Kanaribird 2-1 2021-10-25
Lose vs Nemui 1-2 2021-10-25
SiO Smash!
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 0-2 2021-10-23
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 0-2 2021-10-23
Win vs FMG | Voravi?! 2-1 2021-10-23
Win vs Leart 2-1 2021-10-23
Win vs Hauru (Flight) 2-1 2021-10-23
Win vs Sergio 2-1 2021-10-23
Win vs Ron 2-1 2021-10-23
Eldorado Fight Night #4
Lose vs MKH | SouljaBoiTELLEM 1-2 2021-10-11
Win vs Wolves | ioppppo 2-1 2021-10-11
Win vs Pearsrs 2-1 2021-10-11
Win vs coleslaw 2-0 2021-10-11
Lose vs JB 0-2 2021-10-11
Eldorado Fight Night #3
Lose vs Pyrum 2-3 2021-09-20
Win vs Jona 4-0 2021-09-20
Win vs Hundur 2-0 2021-09-20
Lose vs zlaker 0-2 2021-09-20
Eldorado Fight Night #2
Lose vs Pyrum 0-2 2021-09-06
Win vs tob 2-1 2021-09-06
Lose vs Kuzuha 1-2 2021-09-06
Win vs Splarfie 2-0 2021-09-06
Win vs Penguin | (")> 2-0 2021-09-06
Eldorado Game Night#1
Lose vs HiGPS 1-2 2021-08-24
Lose vs iLift 0-2 2021-08-23
Win vs Doorman 2-0 2021-08-23
Win vs tob 2-1 2021-08-23
Win vs Lys 2-0 2021-08-23
Hællæwood Smash
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 0-2 2021-08-07
Win vs FastRefleksX 2-1 2021-08-07
Lose vs RTY | Anbil 1-2 2021-08-07
Win vs BeeBop 2-0 2021-08-07
House of Smash 133
Lose vs iLift 0-2 2020-03-07
Win vs Dragmire Jr. 2-0 2020-03-07
Win vs Nemui 2-1 2020-03-07
Win vs Dandan 2-1 2020-03-07
Lose vs Ole Brumm 1-2 2020-03-07
House of Smash 131
Lose vs Near 1-3 2020-02-22
Win vs alextorg 3-0 2020-02-22
Win vs Joalot 3-0 2020-02-22
Lose vs Near 0-3 2020-02-22
Win vs alextorg 2-1 2020-02-22
Win vs Yuma 2-1 2020-02-22
Win vs Tydde 2-0 2020-02-22
Win vs HDog 2-0 2020-02-22
House of Smash 129
Lose vs U M R 1-2 2020-02-08
Lose vs Hudet 0-2 2020-02-08
Win vs zlaker 2-0 2020-02-08
Win vs HiGPS 2-0 2020-02-08
Win vs Light_Deer 2-1 2020-02-08
House of Smash 127
Lose vs Venom 1-3 2020-01-25
Win vs MIK 2-0 2020-01-25
Lose vs Nemui 1-2 2020-01-25
Win vs U M R 2-0 2020-01-25
Win vs Ole Brumm 2-0 2020-01-25
House of Smash 125
Win vs Near 3-0 2020-01-11
Win vs Near 3-1 2020-01-11
Win vs alextorg 3-1 2020-01-11
Win vs XD | PSYCHO 2-0 2020-01-11
Win vs BvBenny 2-0 2020-01-11
Win vs Oskar 2-0 2020-01-11
Vivaldi Winter 2019
Lose vs Doppio 1-3 2019-12-29
Win vs zlaker 2-0 2019-12-29
Win vs Muso 2-1 2019-12-29
Win vs Cothra 2-0 2019-12-29
Win vs Drasil 2-0 2019-12-29
Win vs OH 2-0 2019-12-29
Win vs St1 2-1 2019-12-29
Lose vs iLift 0-2 2019-12-29
House of Smash 123
Win vs RES | Kise Seryuu 2-1 2019-12-21
Win vs Crisp 2-0 2019-12-21
House of Smash 121 - Ultimate Anniversary Edition
Win vs zlaker 2-0 2019-12-08
Win vs MyDudes 2-1 2019-12-08
House of Smash 117
Lose vs Legic 1-3 2019-11-09
Win vs Tredq 3-1 2019-11-09
Lose vs Hudet 1-3 2019-11-09
Win vs iLift 2-0 2019-11-09
Win vs zlaker 2-1 2019-11-09
Win vs daio 2-1 2019-11-09
House of Smash 115
Lose vs Hudet 0-3 2019-10-26
Win vs alextorg 2-0 2019-10-26
Win vs Tydde 2-1 2019-10-26
Win vs Ole Brumm 2-0 2019-10-26
Vivaldi Autumn 2019
Lose vs KaLL 1-2 2019-10-12
Win vs Kuzuha 2-0 2019-10-12
Win vs OH 2-0 2019-10-12
Win vs CyberStorm 2-0 2019-10-12
Win vs Nezoxy 2-0 2019-10-12
Win vs RES | Kise Seryuu 2-0 2019-10-12
Lose vs Near 1-2 2019-10-12
House of Smash 113
Lose vs Hudet 0-3 2019-09-29
Win vs Sætre 3-0 2019-09-29
Lose vs Hudet 0-3 2019-09-28
Win vs Hundur 3-0 2019-09-28
Win vs U M R 2-0 2019-09-28
Win vs zlaker 2-0 2019-09-28
Win vs BvBenny 2-0 2019-09-28
Win vs Dass | Sklitakling Kjetil 2-0 2019-09-28
Vivaldi Summer 2019: 2nd Movement
Lose vs Kisen 1-3 2019-07-28
Win vs MIK 3-2 2019-07-28
Lose vs FMG | Whoophee 0-3 2019-07-28
Win vs HUBERT 2-0 2019-07-27
Win vs Knowit | Raikoss 2-0 2019-07-27
Win vs alextorg 2-0 2019-07-27
House of Smash 103
Lose vs iLift 0-2 2019-06-29
Win vs Venom 2-0 2019-06-29
Win vs Nemui 2-0 2019-06-29
Lose vs Pact 1-2 2019-06-29
Win vs Sponge of Doom 2-0 2019-06-29
House of Smash 101
Lose vs PW | WiiASE 0-3 2019-06-15
Lose vs Hudet 1-3 2019-06-15
Win vs PW | WiiASE 3-2 2019-06-15
Win vs Legic 2-1 2019-06-15
Win vs Hundur 2-1 2019-06-15
Win vs Nemui 2-0 2019-06-15
House of Smash 99
Lose vs Kanaribird 0-3 2019-06-01
Win vs Yuma 3-0 2019-06-01
Win vs alextorg 2-0 2019-06-01
Win vs U M R 2-1 2019-06-01
Win vs Tydde 2-0 2019-06-01
Lose vs Drolo 1-2 2019-06-01
Win vs dank 2-0 2019-06-01
House of Smash 97
Lose vs Legic 2-3 2019-05-18
Win vs alextorg 3-2 2019-05-18
Lose vs Kanaribird 2-3 2019-05-18
Win vs Jibbmil 2-1 2019-05-18
Win vs Hudet 2-1 2019-05-18
Win vs HUBERT 2-1 2019-05-18
House of Smash 93
Lose vs Bach 0-2 2019-04-20
Win vs Knowit | Raikoss 2-1 2019-04-20
Win vs Fisk 2-0 2019-04-20
Win vs SN | Taka 2-1 2019-04-20
Lose vs PW | WiiASE 1-2 2019-04-20
Win vs David 2-0 2019-04-20
Tournaments history (51)
Name Rank Date
Garelaf: The Return: THE RETURN 9 / 45 2024-07-14
School of Smash UiO #67 9 / 20 2023-11-22
School of Smash UiO #52 9 / 14 2023-05-31
School of Smash UiO #49 17 / 23 2023-04-26
School of Smash UiO #48 9 / 25 2023-04-19
School of Smash UiO #44 17 / 23 2023-03-15
School of Smash UiO #42 9 / 24 2023-03-01
School of Smash UiO #40 13 / 29 2023-02-15
School of Smash UiO #39 9 / 25 2023-02-08
School of Smash UiO #37 7 / 22 2023-01-25
House of Smash @ Vulkan #40: Ultimate + Multiversus 7 / 29 2023-01-08
School of Smash UiO #34 1 / 9 2022-11-23
House of Smash @ Vulkan #36 Ultimate + Smash 4 4 / 28 2022-11-20
School of Smash UiO #33 2 / 18 2022-11-16
School of Smash UiO #32 7 / 16 2022-11-09
School of Smash UiO #31 9 / 18 2022-11-02
School of Smash UiO #30 5 / 16 2022-10-26
School of Smash UiO #27 5 / 27 2022-10-05
UiO Smash Bros. x SiO 17 / 54 2022-09-26
House of Smash @ Vulkan #29: Ultimate 27 / 28 2022-09-11
School of Smash UiO #23 7 / 31 2022-08-31
School of Smash UiO #22 - SEMESTERSTART 9 / 41 2022-08-24
School of Smash UiO #7 25 / 33 2022-03-25
Eldorado Fight Night #7 13 / 40 2021-11-22
Eldorado Fight Night #6 9 / 39 2021-11-09
OMG Halloween LAN 2021 - Smash 2 / 10 2021-10-30
Eldorado Fight Night #5 17 / 38 2021-10-25
SiO Smash! 2 / 23 2021-10-23
Eldorado Fight Night #4 13 / 35 2021-10-11
Eldorado Fight Night #3 7 / 29 2021-09-20
Eldorado Fight Night #2 7 / 40 2021-09-06
Eldorado Game Night#1 13 / 47 2021-08-23
Hællæwood Smash 25 / 91 2021-08-07
House of Smash 133 13 / 44 2020-03-07
House of Smash 131 3 / 60 2020-02-22
House of Smash 129 9 / 58 2020-02-08
House of Smash 127 7 / 53 2020-01-25
House of Smash 125 1 / 34 2020-01-11
Vivaldi Winter 2019 17 / 96 2019-12-29
House of Smash 123 9 / 32 2019-12-21
House of Smash 121 - Ultimate Anniversary Edition 9 / 39 2019-12-08
House of Smash 117 4 / 44 2019-11-09
House of Smash 115 5 / 37 2019-10-26
Vivaldi Autumn 2019 25 / 101 2019-10-13
House of Smash 113 2 / 62 2019-09-28
Vivaldi Summer 2019: 2nd Movement 13 / 82 2019-07-28
House of Smash 103 9 / 44 2019-06-29
House of Smash 101 3 / 46 2019-06-15
House of Smash 99 4 / 40 2019-06-01
House of Smash 97 4 / 35 2019-05-18
House of Smash 93 9 / 34 2019-04-20