Smash Norge - Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

3 824
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
786th out of 3824
All times
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (32)
Overall performance in matches
25% Win rate
Win 8
Draw 0
Lose 24
+ 19
- 51
+/- -32
Tournament statistics (6)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs dank
Most lost 3x vs FelixBlobDev
Most played 3x vs FelixBlobDev
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs FelixBlobDev
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs FelixBlobDev
Matches history (32)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Danihedel 0-3 2022-02-22
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 0-2 2022-02-22
Win vs IonizedGecko 2-0 2022-02-22
Win vs dank 2-0 2022-02-22
Lose vs Pyrum 0-2 2022-02-22
Lose vs FelixBlobDev 0-2 2022-02-22
September's Snowy Showdown
Lose vs FelixBlobDev 0-3 2020-12-30
Win vs T.B.W.T. 2-1 2020-12-30
Lose vs FMG | Voravi?! 0-2 2020-12-30
Win vs Jaiden 2-0 2020-12-30
Lose vs OH 1-2 2020-12-30
Lose vs Blackrenown 0-2 2020-12-30
Lose vs FelixBlobDev 0-2 2020-12-30
Lose vs dank 1-2 2020-10-24
Win vs Fusiionmeister 2-0 2020-10-24
Lose vs Nezoxy 0-2 2020-10-24
PolarParty 28 3/4: Smash Ultimate
Lose vs McClout 0-2 2020-10-08
Win vs Big Tor 2-0 2020-10-08
Lose vs Danihedel 0-2 2020-10-08
Vivaldi Winter 2019
Win vs Ezponio 2-0 2019-12-29
Lose vs Krisspear 0-2 2019-12-29
Lose vs RES | Kise Seryuu 0-2 2019-12-29
Lose vs alextorg 0-2 2019-12-29
Lose vs Hundur 0-2 2019-12-29
Vivaldi Autumn 2019
Lose vs Gran Chorizo 0-2 2019-10-12
Lose vs Tydde 0-2 2019-10-12
Win vs Gamer_Matti 2-0 2019-10-12
Lose vs Penguin | (")> 1-2 2019-10-12
Lose vs SN | Taka 0-2 2019-10-12
Lose vs Rikerak 0-2 2019-10-12
Lose vs zlaker 0-2 2019-10-12
Lose vs PW | WiiASE 0-2 2019-10-12
Tournaments history (6)
Name Rank Date
Smash@37 7 / 16 2022-02-22
September's Snowy Showdown 5 / 9 2020-12-30
Whiteboxen 9 / 16 2020-10-24
PolarParty 28 3/4: Smash Ultimate 9 / 17 2020-10-08
Vivaldi Winter 2019 65 / 96 2019-12-29
Vivaldi Autumn 2019 81 / 101 2019-10-13