North American P+ Leaderboard

Super Smash Bros. Project M

3 889
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
17th out of 3889
28 May 2021 - Today
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played within last year
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (119)
Overall performance in matches
76% Win rate
Win 90
Draw 0
Lose 29
+ 262
- 121
+/- 141
Tournament statistics (18)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 5
Top 3 6
Top 8 2
Top 16 4
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 8x vs sfy | Motobug
Most lost 9x vs PKK | Twisty
Most played 16x vs PKK | Twisty
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs sfy | Silver
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs Envy
Matches history (120)
Result Score Date
Invincible VI: You Cannot Kill Me in a Way That Matters
Lose vs Morsecode762 1-3 2022-07-17
Win vs Thalia 3-1 2022-07-17
Win vs Xtrooper 3-0 2022-07-17
Lose vs Not Chris 0-3 2022-07-17
Win vs nawG 2-0 2022-07-16
Win vs Lorax 2-0 2022-07-16
Win vs Jisp 2-0 2022-07-16
Win vs Pleeba 2-0 2022-07-16
Win vs Pluip 2-0 2022-07-16
Win vs Moy 5'6" 2-0 2022-07-16
International L(ove)-Cancel: SG's March 2022 Monthly ft. $305 Pot Bonus!
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 1-3 2022-03-06
Win vs sfy | Silver 3-2 2022-03-06
Lose vs Envy 2-3 2022-03-06
Win vs Serb 3-0 2022-03-06
Win vs CJCherry 3-0 2022-03-06
Lose vs Sip Mastah 0-3 2021-11-14
Win vs Brocal | Tealz 3-2 2021-11-14
Win vs GVS | Kycse 3-1 2021-11-14
Lose vs [ePG] | Pikmon 0-3 2021-11-14
Win vs Dr. Grin 2-1 2021-11-14
Win vs Jitty 2-0 2021-11-13
Win vs BigBrother 2-0 2021-11-13
Blacklisted 6
Lose vs PKK | The Doctor 1-3 2021-11-09
Lose vs Envy 1-3 2021-11-07
Win vs Switch 3-1 2021-11-07
Win vs JKiller 3-0 2021-11-06
Win vs Gclem 3-0 2021-11-06
Win vs Zo9nine 3-0 2021-11-06
Shipwrecked - Definitely Not A P+ Tournament
Lose vs AZPM | ilovebagelz 1-3 2021-10-03
Lose vs sfy | mjGrealy 0-3 2021-10-03
Win vs HOT | Plate 3-0 2021-10-02
Win vs Repeat 3-0 2021-10-02
Cream of the Crop Project+ Bi-Monthly ft. $150 Pot Bonus
Lose vs GVS | Kycse 1-3 2021-09-26
Lose vs GVS | Kycse 2-3 2021-09-26
Win vs Envy 3-2 2021-09-26
Win vs GVS | Kycse 3-2 2021-09-26
Win vs ~CP9~ 2-0 2021-09-26
Win vs PKK | guttey 2-1 2021-09-26
Undertow - Project +
Lose vs OUF | Ellipsis 1-3 2021-09-12
Win vs Shiny Zubat 1-0 2021-09-12
Lose vs Sip Mastah 1-3 2021-09-12
Win vs Qtip 2-0 2021-09-11
Win vs SS | Codered 2-0 2021-09-11
Win vs ARF | Valnoir 2-0 2021-09-11
Candlehog 3: A Regional P+ Event Feat: Switch, Kycse, Envy, Kumatora, and more!
Lose vs KoF | AssTAStic 0-3 2021-08-22
Win vs sandy 3-0 2021-08-22
Win vs KoF | Shadowhawke 3-1 2021-08-22
Lose vs TMB KoF | Sabre 1-3 2021-08-22
Win vs KoF | NikHighland 3-0 2021-08-22
Win vs Natokonic Dash 2-0 2021-08-21
Win vs Cardinal 2-0 2021-08-21
Win vs Mythic | SMT | Domlax 2-0 2021-08-21
Win vs KoE 2-0 2021-08-21
SG 24.9
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-0 2021-08-20
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-1 2021-08-20
Win vs Poonpounder 3-1 2021-08-20
Win vs sfy | SwimminOnLand 2-0 2021-08-20
SG 24.8
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-0 2021-08-12
Lose vs sfy | Motobug 0-3 2021-08-12
Win vs sfy | kate 3-0 2021-08-12
Win vs sfy | Bees 3-0 2021-08-12
Win vs sfy | SwimminOnLand 2-1 2021-08-12
swimin on LAN: SG's July 2021 Monthly
Win vs sfy | Silver 3-0 2021-08-01
Win vs sfy | Silver 3-2 2021-08-01
Win vs PKK | Twisty 3-0 2021-08-01
Win vs Serb 3-0 2021-08-01
Win vs Poonpounder 3-0 2021-08-01
Win vs KoF | Shadowhawke 3-0 2021-08-01
Win vs sfy | mjGrealy 3-0 2021-08-01
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 1-3 2021-08-01
Win vs ~sfy | Prince Fluff 3-0 2021-07-31
Win vs Poonpounder 3-1 2021-07-31
Win vs 21! | zanza 3-0 2021-07-31
SG 24.6
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 0-3 2021-07-30
Win vs PKK | Twisty 3-1 2021-07-30
Win vs sfy | Flarp 3-1 2021-07-30
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-2 2021-07-30
Win vs sfy | Bees 3-0 2021-07-30
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 1-3 2021-07-30
Win vs ~sfy | Prince Fluff 2-0 2021-07-30
Win vs G.Lok (X) 2-0 2021-07-30
SG 24.5
Lose vs sfy | Flarp 0-3 2021-07-23
Win vs Serb 3-2 2021-07-23
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-0 2021-07-23
Win vs sfy | mjGrealy 3-0 2021-07-23
Win vs Cobalt 2-0 2021-07-23
Win vs SNAFU 2-0 2021-07-23
Lose vs Serb 0-2 2021-07-23
HoG: Burn 0.4
Lose vs Literallywhatisyourname (Anthony) 2-3 2021-07-21
Win vs KoF | Shadowhawke 3-0 2021-07-21
Win vs Uma Thurman 3-2 2021-07-21
Lose vs Literallywhatisyourname (Anthony) 0-3 2021-07-21
Win vs Mythic | SMT | Domlax 3-0 2021-07-21
SG 24.3
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 2-3 2021-07-08
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 2-3 2021-07-08
Win vs PKK | Twisty 3-0 2021-07-08
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-0 2021-07-08
Win vs sfy | Vorpal 2-0 2021-07-08
SG 24.2
Win vs PKK | Twisty 3-2 2021-07-02
Win vs PKK | Twisty 3-1 2021-07-02
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-0 2021-07-02
Win vs Een 2-0 2021-07-02
Win vs Scrubcake* 2-0 2021-07-02
Revival of Smashing Grounds 2
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 1-3 2021-06-27
Win vs GVS | Kycse 3-0 2021-06-27
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 1-3 2021-06-27
Win vs sfy | Silver 3-1 2021-06-27
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-0 2021-06-27
Win vs sfy | SwimminOnLand 3-0 2021-06-27
Win vs GlizzyHutJr 2-0 2021-06-26
Win vs Green Tea 2-0 2021-06-26
Win vs KoE 2-0 2021-06-26
Win vs sfy | mjGrealy 2-1 2021-06-26
SG 24.1
Win vs PKK | Twisty 3-0 2021-06-24
Lose vs PKK | Twisty 1-3 2021-06-24
Win vs sfy | kate 3-1 2021-06-24
Win vs ~sfy | Prince Fluff 3-0 2021-06-24
Win vs sfy | Bees 3-0 2021-06-24
Win vs PKK | Twisty 3-1 2021-06-24
Win vs Cobalt 3-0 2021-06-24
Tournaments history (18)
Name Rank Date
Invincible VI: You Cannot Kill Me in a Way That Matters 9 / 82 2022-07-17
International L(ove)-Cancel: SG's March 2022 Monthly ft. $305 Pot Bonus! 4 / 19 2022-03-06
Jailbreak 9 / 118 2021-11-14
Blacklisted 6 13 / 133 2021-11-08
Shipwrecked - Definitely Not A P+ Tournament 17 / 89 2021-10-03
Cream of the Crop Project+ Bi-Monthly ft. $150 Pot Bonus 2 / 26 2021-09-26
Undertow - Project + 13 / 193 2021-09-12
Candlehog 3: A Regional P+ Event Feat: Switch, Kycse, Envy, Kumatora, and more! 5 / 27 2021-08-22
SG 24.9 1 / 12 2021-08-20
SG 24.8 1 / 11 2021-08-12
swimin on LAN: SG's July 2021 Monthly 1 / 17 2021-08-01
SG 24.6 2 / 16 2021-07-30
SG 24.5 2 / 12 2021-07-23
HoG: Burn 0.4 3 / 14 2021-07-21
SG 24.3 2 / 12 2021-07-08
SG 24.2 1 / 20 2021-07-02
Revival of Smashing Grounds 2 2 / 40 2021-06-27
SG 24.1 1 / 10 2021-06-24