North American P+ Leaderboard

Super Smash Bros. Project M

3 889
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

PKK | Twisty 

As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
15th out of 3889
28 May 2021 - Today
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played within last year
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (126)
Overall performance in matches
73% Win rate
Win 92
Draw 0
Lose 34
+ 293
- 164
+/- 129
Tournament statistics (20)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 5
Top 3 8
Top 8 4
Top 16 2
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 9x vs Kumatora
Most lost 7x vs Kumatora
Most played 16x vs Kumatora
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs sfy | Bees
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs Serb
Matches history (127)
Result Score Date
The Back Hit: A Texas P+ Tournament (Now with $1.2k Pot Bonus!)
Lose vs Suvir 2-3 2023-03-24
Lose vs TLOC | Salt 0-3 2023-03-19
Win vs rye | evil lesbian 3-0 2023-03-18
Win vs DMG 3-1 2023-03-18
Blacklisted 7
Win vs Comb 3-1 2022-11-10
Lose vs KoF | Cory 2-3 2022-11-10
Win vs PKK | Mar 3-1 2022-11-08
Lose vs PKK|RBD|MTB|FS | Malachi 2-3 2022-11-06
Win vs SC | Nave 3-1 2022-11-05
You Can't CC Me! #1 A Project+ Bi-Monthly at OS NYC!
Lose vs FS | Phresh 2-3 2022-03-14
Win vs PKK | Vari 3-1 2022-03-14
Lose vs Envy 0-3 2022-03-14
Win vs PKK | Mar 2-0 2022-03-14
International L(ove)-Cancel: SG's March 2022 Monthly ft. $305 Pot Bonus!
Lose vs Envy 2-3 2022-03-06
Win vs Kumatora 3-1 2022-03-06
Win vs sfy | Flarp 3-2 2022-03-06
Lose vs SS | Stango 1-3 2022-03-06
Win vs sfy | Silver 3-0 2022-03-06
Win vs 21! | Ronan 3-0 2022-03-06
Blacklisted 6
Lose vs dvd 2-3 2021-11-07
Win vs Elk G | Ivayne 3-2 2021-11-07
Win vs Blue 3-0 2021-11-07
Win vs FS | Boiko 3-1 2021-11-07
Win vs Yono 3-0 2021-11-07
Win vs PKK | guttey 3-0 2021-11-07
Win vs FS | Phresh 3-2 2021-11-07
Lose vs Bongo 2-3 2021-11-06
Win vs Erg 3-1 2021-11-06
HoGoween: A Project+ Regional! Feat: Kycse, Twisty, Silver, Quaff, and AssTAStic
Win vs GVS | Kycse 3-1 2021-10-31
Lose vs The Ivy Player 0-3 2021-10-31
Win vs The Ivy Player 3-0 2021-10-31
Win vs KoF | AssTAStic 3-0 2021-10-31
Win vs PKK | Yung Quaff 3-1 2021-10-31
Lose vs The Ivy Player 0-3 2021-10-31
Win vs Wombat 3-0 2021-10-31
Win vs Mythic | SMT | Domlax 3-0 2021-10-31
Win vs KoE 2-0 2021-10-30
Win vs Arique 2-1 2021-10-30
Win vs Literallywhatisyourname (Anthony) 2-0 2021-10-30
Win vs Mikoshi 2-0 2021-10-30
Shipwrecked - Definitely Not A P+ Tournament
Lose vs Blue 0-3 2021-10-03
Lose vs Brocal | Tealz 2-3 2021-10-03
Win vs TLOC | SS | Arsenals 3-1 2021-10-03
Win vs Fury 3-2 2021-10-03
Win vs Chia 3-0 2021-10-02
Win vs Brown Link 3-0 2021-10-02
SG 24.14 - Season Finale!
Lose vs Serb 2-3 2021-10-01
Lose vs PKK | Yung Quaff 2-3 2021-10-01
Win vs sfy | SwimminOnLand 3-0 2021-10-01
Win vs boyCow BeBop 3-1 2021-10-01
Win vs sfy | Bees 3-2 2021-10-01
Undertow - Project +
Lose vs WSGP | Noghrilla 1-3 2021-09-12
Win vs GLS | Dirtboy 3-0 2021-09-12
Win vs Chevy 3-1 2021-09-12
Lose vs PKK | The Doctor 1-3 2021-09-12
Win vs Comb 3-0 2021-09-12
Win vs OUF | Ellipsis 2-0 2021-09-11
Win vs DeliciousOctorok 2-0 2021-09-11
Win vs Hen Tie 2-0 2021-09-11
swimin on LAN: SG's July 2021 Monthly
Lose vs Kumatora 0-3 2021-08-01
Lose vs sfy | Silver 0-3 2021-08-01
Win vs sfy | SwimminOnLand 3-1 2021-08-01
Win vs Kumatora 3-1 2021-08-01
Win vs 21! | Ronan 3-1 2021-08-01
Win vs TRM 3-0 2021-08-01
Win vs Danimals 3-1 2021-07-31
Lose vs Serb 0-3 2021-07-31
SG 24.6
Win vs Kumatora 3-0 2021-07-30
Lose vs Kumatora 1-3 2021-07-30
Win vs sfy | Flarp 3-2 2021-07-30
Win vs Kumatora 3-1 2021-07-30
Win vs sfy | Vorpal 2-0 2021-07-30
SG 24.5
Lose vs sfy | Motobug 1-3 2021-07-23
Win vs Uma Thurman 2-0 2021-07-23
Win vs ~sfy | Prince Fluff 2-0 2021-07-23
Lose vs sfy | mjGrealy 0-2 2021-07-23
SG 24.4
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-2 2021-07-16
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-1 2021-07-16
Win vs Uma Thurman 3-0 2021-07-16
Lose vs sfy | Motobug 2-3 2021-07-16
Win vs Uma Thurman 3-1 2021-07-16
Win vs sfy | Bees 2-1 2021-07-16
Win vs BLT (X) 2-0 2021-07-16
SG 24.3
Win vs Kumatora 3-2 2021-07-08
Win vs Kumatora 3-2 2021-07-08
Win vs sfy | kate 3-2 2021-07-08
Lose vs Kumatora 0-3 2021-07-08
Win vs Uma Thurman 3-2 2021-07-08
Win vs sfy | Bees 2-0 2021-07-08
SG 24.2
Lose vs Kumatora 2-3 2021-07-02
Win vs sfy | mjGrealy 3-1 2021-07-02
Lose vs Kumatora 1-3 2021-07-02
Win vs sfy | mjGrealy 3-0 2021-07-02
Win vs Cobalt 2-0 2021-07-02
Win vs nokoi* 2-0 2021-07-02
HoG: Burn 0.1
Lose vs GVS | Kycse 2-3 2021-06-30
Lose vs GVS | Kycse 1-3 2021-06-30
Win vs sfy | kate 3-0 2021-06-30
Win vs GVS | Kycse 3-0 2021-06-30
Win vs KoF | Shadowhawke 3-1 2021-06-30
Win vs 4DMG | PineappleTommy 3-0 2021-06-30
Revival of Smashing Grounds 2
Win vs Kumatora 3-1 2021-06-27
Win vs Kumatora 3-1 2021-06-27
Win vs GVS | Kycse 3-0 2021-06-27
Win vs Literallywhatisyourname (Anthony) 3-0 2021-06-27
Win vs ~sfy | Prince Fluff 3-1 2021-06-27
Win vs Serb 2-0 2021-06-26
Win vs Rose 2-0 2021-06-26
Win vs Straw Matt 2-0 2021-06-26
Win vs Flubbs 2-0 2021-06-26
SG 24.1
Lose vs Kumatora 0-3 2021-06-24
Win vs Kumatora 3-1 2021-06-24
Win vs sfy | kate 3-1 2021-06-24
Win vs ~sfy | Prince Fluff 3-2 2021-06-24
Win vs sfy | Motobug 3-2 2021-06-24
Win vs Cobalt 3-0 2021-06-24
Win vs ~sfy | Prince Fluff 3-1 2021-06-24
Win vs sfy | Bees 3-1 2021-06-24
Lose vs Kumatora 1-3 2021-06-24
sfyhouse Vax Fest #1
Lose vs sfy | kate 1-3 2021-04-30
Lose vs sfy | kate 1-3 2021-04-30
Win vs sfy | Bees 3-1 2021-04-30
Post-Vax sfy Tournament 2
Win vs sfy | kate 3-2 2021-06-05
Win vs sfy | kate 3-1 2021-06-05
Win vs sfy | Bees 3-1 2021-06-05
Win vs sfy | mjGrealy 3-0 2021-06-05
Win vs sfy | SwimminOnLand 3-1 2021-06-05
Tournaments history (20)
Name Rank Date
The Back Hit: A Texas P+ Tournament (Now with $1.2k Pot Bonus!) 17 / 97 2023-03-19
Blacklisted 7 13 / 104 2022-11-07
You Can't CC Me! #1 A Project+ Bi-Monthly at OS NYC! 7 / 22 2022-03-14
International L(ove)-Cancel: SG's March 2022 Monthly ft. $305 Pot Bonus! 3 / 19 2022-03-06
Blacklisted 6 5 / 133 2021-11-08
HoGoween: A Project+ Regional! Feat: Kycse, Twisty, Silver, Quaff, and AssTAStic 2 / 30 2021-10-31
Shipwrecked - Definitely Not A P+ Tournament 9 / 89 2021-10-03
SG 24.14 - Season Finale! 3 / 8 2021-10-01
Undertow - Project + 5 / 193 2021-09-12
swimin on LAN: SG's July 2021 Monthly 3 / 17 2021-08-01
SG 24.6 1 / 16 2021-07-30
SG 24.5 5 / 12 2021-07-23
SG 24.4 1 / 16 2021-07-16
SG 24.3 1 / 12 2021-07-08
SG 24.2 2 / 20 2021-07-02
HoG: Burn 0.1 2 / 24 2021-06-30
Revival of Smashing Grounds 2 1 / 40 2021-06-27
SG 24.1 2 / 10 2021-06-24
sfyhouse Vax Fest #1 2 / 7 2021-06-21
Post-Vax sfy Tournament 2 1 / 10 2021-06-05