Central VA PR

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
1 653
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

UMW | Sqweeblord 

61st out of 1653
01 April 2023 - 30 June 2023
Activity requirement
Requires 8 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (13)
Overall performance in matches
23% Win rate
Win 3
Draw 0
Lose 10
+ 8
- 22
+/- -14
Tournament statistics (5)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 1
Top 32 4
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs DawnofDay
Most lost 2x vs Plain Yogurt
Most played 2x vs Plain Yogurt
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (13)
Result Score Date
Frame Trap MONTHLY April 2023! ($100 POT BONUS!)
Lose vs BracedFest | Braced 0-2 2023-04-30
Lose vs Zexyyy 0-2 2023-04-30
Frame Trap #29 @ FFH!
Lose vs Plain Yogurt 0-2 2023-04-25
Win vs Minty 2-0 2023-04-25
Win vs DawnofDay 2-0 2023-04-25
Lose vs Peachtree 0-2 2023-04-25
Frame Trap #28 @ FFH!
Lose vs ASN 0-2 2023-04-18
Lose vs Marshio 0-2 2023-04-18
Frame Trap #27 @ FFH!
Lose vs Bishop 1-3 2023-04-11
Lose vs GFCMayor 0-2 2023-04-11
Frame Trap #26 @ FFH!
Lose vs Plain Yogurt 0-2 2023-04-04
Win vs Spectator 3-1 2023-04-04
Lose vs Jekyll 0-2 2023-04-04
Tournaments history (5)
Name Rank Date
Frame Trap MONTHLY April 2023! ($100 POT BONUS!) 25 / 32 2023-04-29
Frame Trap #29 @ FFH! 9 / 18 2023-04-24
Frame Trap #28 @ FFH! 17 / 24 2023-04-17
Frame Trap #27 @ FFH! 17 / 25 2023-04-10
Frame Trap #26 @ FFH! 17 / 31 2023-04-04