Matches statistics
Overall performance in matches
54% Win rate
Win 15
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 40
- 31
+/- +9
Matches history
User have played the following matches
Result Score Date
The Snaildom Invitational
Lose vs Six 2-3 2021-01-10
Lose vs Counsel 2-3 2021-01-10
Win vs pyrpll 3-0 2021-01-10
Lose vs Herpe 1-3 2021-01-09
Win vs BreadIsGreat 3-0 2021-01-09
Snaildom Saturday Melty #17
Lose vs codeepsilon[11] 0-2 2020-08-22
Win vs Venti[23] 2-0 2020-08-22
Lose vs PB | ViviMayoi[7] 0-2 2020-08-22
Win vs FF | Six[20] 2-0 2020-08-22
Snaildom Melty Blood Weekly #16
Lose vs TetraSlash[6] 0-2 2020-08-16
Win vs YIG | Aodhan[5] 2-0 2020-08-16
Win vs ssmoothie[8] 2-1 2020-08-16
Win vs Labryz[14] 2-1 2020-08-16
Win vs RUNNING_DRY[21] 2-0 2020-08-15
Lose vs TetraSlash[6] 1-2 2020-08-15
Win vs CodeCol[22] 2-0 2020-08-15
Snaildom Melty Blood Weekly #15
Lose vs nicemoreoften[7] 0-2 2020-08-01
Win vs RUNNING_DRY[19] 2-0 2020-08-01
Win vs CodeCol[22] 2-0 2020-08-01
Lose vs Quotie[5] 0-2 2020-08-01
Win vs Venti[21] 2-0 2020-08-01
Snaildom Melty Blood Weekly #14
Lose vs Zenkuri[10] 0-2 2020-07-26
Lose vs TetraSlash[3] 0-2 2020-07-26
Win vs Labryz[6] 2-0 2020-07-25
Win vs dblbug[22] 2-0 2020-07-25
Snaildom Melty Blood Weekly #13
Lose vs ViviMayoi[5] 1-2 2020-07-18
Win vs RUNNING_DRY[17] 2-0 2020-07-18
Lose vs Herpe[11] 1-2 2020-07-18