Overall player performance and matches history

LG | Abadango

9th out of 128
Matches statistics (15)
60% Win rate
Win 9
Draw 0
Lose 6
+ 13
- 6
+/- +7
Matches history (15)
Result Score Date
Lose vs TSM | Akunba -1-0 2017-08-21
Win vs Echo Fox MVG | MKLeo 0--1 2017-08-21
Lose vs EMG | Mistake -1-0 2017-08-21
Qualification #2
Lose vs sihjdejhfrbjrtmrjj -1-0 2017-08-21
Win vs Echo Fox MVG | MKLeo 0--1 2017-08-21
Win vs Some 0--1 2017-08-21
Lose vs sihjdejhfrbjrtmrjj -1-0 2017-08-21
Qualification #1
Lose vs TSM | Akunba 1-3 2017-08-20
Win vs CIF | Steelman 3-1 2017-08-20
Win vs Ixis 3-2 2017-08-20
Win vs Pichi 3-1 2017-08-20
Win vs drtyuyghu6tyhjggu6ytgftyhg 2-0 2017-08-20
Win vs jiddijrfgrifrojgfrjvofddnufrfrihcrfhbjfr 2-0 2017-08-19
Lose vs sihjdejhfrbjrtmrjj 1-2 2017-08-19
Win vs wyqtwgwbdmdmcncgcgyfbchhtyhy 2-0 2017-08-19