Overall player performance and matches history

Kangoni - Ice Climbers

3rd out of 16
Matches statistics (7)
71% Win rate
Win 5
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 11
- 5
+/- +6
Matches history (7)
Result Score Date
Lose vs fammy - Mr. Game & Watch 0-2 2020-12-06
Win vs penguhr - Ice Climbers 2-0 2020-12-06
Win vs MTJgator - Peach 2-1 2020-12-06
Win vs Obsessed - Toon Link 2-0 2020-12-06
Win vs Luckman - Young Link 2-0 2020-12-06
Lose vs Leeya - Peach 1-2 2020-12-06
Win vs jozz - Simon 2-0 2020-12-06