Overall player performance and matches history

Solary | Leon

2nd out of 126
Matches statistics (15)
87% Win rate
Win 13
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 32
- 8
+/- +24
Matches history (15)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Solary | Glutonny 2-3 2021-08-29
Win vs Tomberry 3-0 2021-08-29
Lose vs Solary | Glutonny 2-3 2021-08-29
Win vs Bûch | ALtek 3-1 2021-08-29
Win vs Le Caillou Couillu 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs Tomberry 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs Yox 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs WpZ | Holo 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs Kuja 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs SoSa 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs Kazzers 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs eLS | rohan doge 2-1 2021-08-29
Win vs Wpz | Hern 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs LLs 2-0 2021-08-29
Win vs GS | XGC 2-0 2021-08-29