Overall player performance and matches history

CQ | Nair^

4th out of 73
Matches statistics (11)
73% Win rate
Win 8
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 19
- 5
+/- +14
Matches history (10)
Result Score Date
Lose vs WF | Swain 1-2 2020-11-11
Win vs STR | LAO9 2-0 2020-11-11
Win vs ST | Skelldany 2-0 2020-11-11
Win vs KG | ZeroCulon 2-1 2020-11-11
Win vs XCL | Junko 2-0 2020-11-11
Win vs TEW | Chrom 2-0 2020-11-11
Win vs Pharah 2-0 2020-11-11
Win vs LUD | Beluce 2-0 2020-11-11
Lose vs BR/GR | Cheerry 1-2 2020-11-11
Win vs UNF | NeZo! 2-0 2020-11-11