Overall player performance and matches history

NxL | El Yoshi

4th out of 91
Matches statistics (11)
73% Win rate
Win 8
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 17
- 8
+/- +9
Matches history (10)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Carlos 0-2 2020-01-21
Win vs Tr | Niko 2-0 2020-01-20
Win vs underdogg 2-1 2020-01-20
Win vs UG | malachite 2-1 2020-01-20
Win vs SU | KrebsTLegend 2-1 2020-01-20
Win vs Ronnichu 2-1 2020-01-20
Win vs UG| | Sheezman 2-0 2020-01-20
Win vs QD | Jamper 2-0 2020-01-20
Lose vs NxL | C.O.D 0-2 2020-01-20
Win vs Thekoolaidman 2-0 2020-01-20