Overall player performance and matches history

DG | MCA | Giorno

33rd out of 98
Matches statistics (7)
71% Win rate
Win 5
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 12
- 6
+/- +6
Matches history (7)
Result Score Date
Qualification #2
Win vs Greencito 2-0 2023-07-27
Win vs CH/HoM | Junko 2-1 2023-07-27
Win vs BG|SUM | Abuelondorf 2-1 2023-07-27
Win vs SUM | Iriam Games 2-0 2023-07-27
Qualification #1
Lose vs SUM/ST/CRC | Xan Darei 1-2 2023-07-27
Lose vs CH/ENS MH | Rox 1-2 2023-07-27
Win vs Greencito 2-0 2023-07-27