Overall player performance and matches history

Piranha Plant

2nd out of 88
Matches statistics (12)
83% Win rate
Win 10
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 20
- 10
+/- +10
Matches history (12)
Result Score Date
Lose vs King Dedede[8] 1-3 2020-12-30
Win vs Capt. Falcon 3-1 2020-12-30
Lose vs King Dedede[8] 0-3 2020-12-30
Win vs Terry 3-2 2020-12-30
Win vs Kirby 3-1 2020-12-29
Win vs Little Mac 3-0 2020-12-29
Qualification #2
Win vs Robin[7] 1-0 2020-12-28
Win vs Pichu 2-0 2020-12-28
Qualification #1
Win vs Mario 1-0 2020-12-27
Win vs Greeninja 1-0 2020-12-27
Win vs Isabelle[1] 1-0 2020-12-27
Win vs Ice Climbers 1-0 2020-12-27