Overall player performance and matches history

Razorforce21 - Pyra and Mythra

1st out of 32
Matches statistics (7)
86% Win rate
Win 6
Draw 0
Lose 1
+ 13
- 5
+/- +8
Matches history (7)
Result Score Date
Win vs Salty - Meta Knight 2-0 2024-08-25
Lose vs Salty - Meta Knight 1-2 2024-08-23
Win vs jozz - Sephiroth 2-1 2024-08-23
Win vs h.eris - Banjo 2-1 2024-08-22
Win vs Cheese - Pyra and Mythra 2-0 2024-08-22
Win vs verydoggish - Dr. Mario 2-1 2024-08-22
Win vs Dabuffalo - Lucario 2-0 2024-08-22