Overall player performance and matches history

SAB | Ralph

9th out of 258
Matches statistics (9)
78% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 16
- 7
+/- +9
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Qualification #2
Lose vs LG | Ice 0-3 2017-07-10
Win vs Wavebringer 3-2 2017-07-10
Win vs Bob$ 2-0 2017-07-10
Win vs Oxy | J666 2-0 2017-07-10
Win vs Arcadia 2-0 2017-07-10
Qualification #1
Lose vs Selfless | | HugS 1-2 2017-07-09
Win vs Wasabi 2-0 2017-07-09
Win vs David 2-0 2017-07-09
Win vs Tech 2-0 2017-07-09