Overall player performance and matches history

VG | Joni

2nd out of 43
Matches statistics (10)
80% Win rate
Win 8
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 26
- 11
+/- +15
Matches history (10)
Result Score Date
Qualification #2
Lose vs AFW | Sandro 1-3 2024-06-22
Win vs AFW | Sandro 3-1 2024-06-22
Win vs Siggi 3-1 2024-06-22
Win vs 2TA | Sintro 3-1 2024-06-22
Win vs plan-B | Yetey 3-0 2024-06-22
Win vs Blue 3-1 2024-06-22
Win vs SnoR 3-1 2024-06-22
Lose vs Siggi 1-3 2024-06-22
Qualification #1
Win vs Papa | Captain Ohio 3-0 2024-06-22
Win vs Wave 3-0 2024-06-22