Overall player performance and matches history

TMBR | Hiura On Ice

12th out of 52
Matches statistics (14)
64% Win rate
Win 9
Draw 0
Lose 5
+ 18
- 16
+/- +2
Matches history (14)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Ermond/Mint 0-2 2020-12-15
Win vs sandwich :) 2-0 2020-12-15
Win vs Kiw 2-1 2020-12-15
Win vs Art 2-1 2020-12-15
Win vs IKE1 2-1 2020-12-15
Win vs Los Brabos | Sora 2-1 2020-12-15
Lose vs yoq 0-2 2020-12-15
Lose vs freddy | Maleson 0-2 2020-12-15
Win vs Counter | pepa 2-0 2020-12-15
Win vs Kiw 2-1 2020-12-15
Lose vs Counter | Pent 0-2 2020-12-15
Lose vs Unexpected 0-2 2020-12-15
Win vs AMDS | 2-0 2020-12-15
Win vs Verse 2-1 2020-12-15