Overall player performance and matches history

WPI | Ashley

49th out of 49
Matches statistics (8)
75% Win rate
Win 6
Draw 1
Lose 1
+ 14
- 4
+/- +10
Matches history (8)
Result Score Date
Win vs F$B | Arkb0t 3-2 2017-07-21
Draw vs F$B | Asriel 0-0 2017-07-21
Win vs Potato 2-0 2017-07-20
Win vs John Dura 2-0 2017-07-20
Lose vs F$B | Arkb0t 1-2 2017-07-20
Win vs BUENOS DIAS ASHLEY 2-0 2017-07-20
Win vs Drank 2-0 2017-07-20
Win vs Piff 2-0 2017-07-20