Overall player performance and matches history


33rd out of 85
Matches statistics (14)
50% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 7
+ 29
- 28
+/- +1
Matches history (14)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Ike 0-3 2021-03-06
Lose vs Ridley 2-3 2021-03-05
Lose vs Joker 2-3 2020-12-21
Lose vs Dark Pit 1-3 2020-12-21
Lose vs 1311G 1-3 2020-12-21
Win vs Duck Hunt 3-1 2020-12-21
Win vs Joker 3-2 2020-12-21
Win vs Dark Pit 3-2 2020-12-21
Lose vs 1311G 0-3 2020-12-20
Win vs Duck Hunt 3-0 2020-12-20
Win vs Joker 3-1 2020-12-20
Lose vs Dark Pit 2-3 2020-12-20
Win vs 1311G 3-1 2020-12-20
Win vs Duck Hunt 3-0 2020-12-20