Smash Norge - SSBM Fête 2


01 August 2022
Overall player performance and matches history

PHNX die Unnuss

133rd out of 330
Matches statistics (19)
68% Win rate
Win 13
Draw 0
Lose 5
+ 30
- 14
+/- +16
Matches history (18)
Result Score Date
Qualification #6
Lose vs Nomad 2-3 2022-07-31
Win vs mule 3-2 2022-07-31
Lose vs Pafos 0-3 2022-07-31
Win vs Elec 2-0 2022-07-31
Win vs SKITZ 2-0 2022-07-31
Qualification #5
Win vs Vegas 2-0 2022-07-31
Win vs Roo 2-1 2022-07-31
Win vs FAZE / DMG | HARTHUR 2-0 2022-07-31
Win vs zeventien 2-0 2022-07-31
Win vs TODO | Stoneymalony 2-0 2022-07-31
Win vs Boohbah 1--1 2022-07-31
Win vs Mole 2-0 2022-07-31
Qualification #1
Win vs Tom? 2-0 2022-07-30
Win vs HRT | Medli 2-0 2022-07-30
Win vs Reversii 2-0 2022-07-30
Lose vs Touffe 1-2 2022-07-30
Lose vs Oldiz 0-2 2022-07-30
Lose vs Fout NL 0-2 2022-07-30