Overall player performance and matches history

fammydamammy - Captain Falcon - Jon

1st out of 39
Matches statistics (7)
86% Win rate
Win 6
Draw 0
Lose 1
+ 14
- 4
+/- +10
Matches history (7)
Result Score Date
Win vs fammydamammy - Little Mac - Windmill 3-0 2021-02-10
Lose vs fammydamammy - Little Mac - Windmill 1-3 2021-02-10
Win vs fammydamammy - Little Mac - Windmill 2-0 2021-02-10
Win vs Orca - Donkey Kong - PRIME APE 2-1 2021-02-10
Win vs jozz - Simon - CBT 2-0 2021-02-10
Win vs HBH - Link - MastrSword 2-0 2021-02-10
Win vs Shadow Phoenix - Dr. Mario - Dr.Death 2-0 2021-02-10