Overall player performance and matches history

TITUS | Boltilux

5th out of 64
Matches statistics (9)
78% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 14
- 4
+/- +10
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Lose vs NLC | Hikaru 1-2 2021-02-02
Win vs GK | Perezoso 2-1 2021-02-02
Win vs LSP | Striker 2-0 2021-02-02
Win vs BG | ICEMAN 2-0 2021-02-02
Win vs YoshiXPlay 2-0 2021-02-02
Win vs Le Elin 1--1 2021-02-01
Win vs UWA|X | Belipe 2-0 2021-02-01
Lose vs SCR | Sekai Doggo 0-2 2021-02-01
Win vs BH| | Cruxisregal 2-0 2021-02-01