Overall player performance and matches history

Corrin (Male)[129]

17th out of 154
Matches statistics (13)
54% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 6
+ 7
- 6
+/- +1
Matches history (13)
Result Score Date
Win vs Kirby (SB)[63] 1-0 2023-02-17
Lose vs Inkling (Purple Male Splatoon)[85] 0-1 2023-02-16
Lose vs Lucas[4] 0-1 2023-02-16
Win vs Mr. Game & Watch (Parachute)[41] 1-0 2023-02-16
Win vs Zelda (BOTW)[140] 1-0 2023-02-16
Win vs Toon Link (SB)[151] 1-0 2023-02-16
Lose vs Banjo & Kazooie[19] 0-1 2023-02-16
Win vs Bayonetta (Bayonetta 2)[52] 1-0 2023-02-16
Lose vs Wario (SB)[74] 0-1 2023-02-16
Win vs Terry[96] 1-0 2023-02-16
Lose vs Bayonetta (Bayonetta)[30] 0-1 2023-02-16
Lose vs Ken[107] 0-1 2023-02-15
Win vs Olimar[118] 1-0 2023-02-15