Overall player performance and matches history

Wario (SB)

9th out of 138
Matches statistics (9)
78% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 7
- 2
+/- +5
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Donkey Kong (Turbocharged) 0-1 2020-08-15
Win vs King Dedede (SB) 1-0 2020-08-15
Win vs Kirby (Kirby) 1-0 2020-08-15
Win vs Donkey Kong (SB) 1-0 2020-08-15
Win vs King K. Rool 1-0 2020-08-15
Win vs Lucario 1-0 2020-08-14
Win vs Isabelle (Winter Coat) 1-0 2020-08-14
Win vs Palutena 1-0 2020-08-12
Lose vs Mii Swordfighter 0-1 2020-08-12