Overall player performance and matches history

MBS | Sora_J

2nd out of 35
Matches statistics (10)
70% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 21
- 9
+/- +12
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Lose vs ILMW | Clique 0-3 2024-05-06
Win vs smub 3-2 2024-05-06
Win vs Iota 3-0 2024-05-06
Win vs ANN | YippieDiddlyDoo 3-1 2024-05-06
Win vs Madison Turner 3-0 2024-05-05
Win vs Okamifire 3-0 2024-05-05
Lose vs Iota 1-3 2024-05-05
Win vs Archy 2-0 2024-05-05
Win vs FOOLS | Balto 2-0 2024-05-05