Overall player performance and matches history

fammydamammy - Little Mac - Sharpe

30th out of 48
Matches statistics (6)
50% Win rate
Win 3
Draw 0
Lose 3
+ 6
- 8
+/- -2
Matches history (6)
Result Score Date
Win vs JMoney - Pokemon Trainer - LeanLizard 2-1 2023-04-13
Lose vs Mama Luigi - Banjo & Kazooie - Coke Bear 0-2 2023-04-13
Lose vs Frost - Sephiroth - Vergil 0-2 2023-04-13
Lose vs Gamer John - King Dedede - Splingus 0-2 2023-04-13
Win vs gold_dxj - Dr. Mario - EternlRage 2-0 2023-04-13
Win vs Random Fire - Mii Gunner - Nosk 2-1 2023-04-12