Overall player performance and matches history

Spike - Shulk - Gin

25th out of 174
Matches statistics (6)
67% Win rate
Win 4
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 4
- 2
+/- +2
Matches history (6)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Kangoni - Banjo & Kazooie - Ban Joe. 0-1 2021-04-12
Win vs Sloth19 - Terry - Lone Wolf 1-0 2021-04-11
Lose vs ammoknight - Pokemon Trainer - Danger 0-1 2021-04-11
Win vs Luckman - Cloud - SEIGENpéÆ 1-0 2021-04-11
Win vs Kangoni - Terry - Old Spice! 1-0 2021-04-10
Win vs Amanda - Kirby - Shiva 1-0 2021-04-10