Overall player performance and matches history

LittleFang - Ridley - Acnologia

1st out of 174
Matches statistics (9)
89% Win rate
Win 8
Draw 0
Lose 1
+ 8
- 1
+/- +7
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Win vs MiDe - Pokemon Trainer - Acceptance 1-0 2021-04-12
Lose vs MiDe - Pokemon Trainer - Acceptance 0-1 2021-04-12
Win vs Kangoni - Byleth - PG Byleth 1-0 2021-04-12
Win vs Fernando - Piranha Plant - Dave 1-0 2021-04-12
Win vs MiDe - Pokemon Trainer - Acceptance 1-0 2021-04-12
Win vs Fernando - Dr. Mario - Dr. Amigo 1-0 2021-04-12
Win vs Obsessed - Byleth - Incineroar 1-0 2021-04-11
Win vs Obsessed - Mii Swordfighter - CYBERSANS 1-0 2021-04-11
Win vs mythricity - Byleth - bonerboy 1-0 2021-04-10