Overall player performance and matches history

Random Fire - Meta Knight - Seth

22nd out of 48
Matches statistics (6)
50% Win rate
Win 3
Draw 0
Lose 3
+ 7
- 6
+/- +1
Matches history (6)
Result Score Date
Win vs Bubs - Mii Swordfighter - Madder Lad 2-0 2023-04-02
Win vs RazorForce21 - Shulk - Shulkyz 2-0 2023-04-02
Lose vs Vulkyz - Rosalina & Luma - Gemini 1-2 2023-04-02
Lose vs anchor - Isabelle - hammy! 0-2 2023-04-02
Lose vs IGuano - Ridley - Beeg Boi 0-2 2023-04-02
Win vs TraumatizedBaconbits - Joker - Taho 2-0 2023-04-02