Overall player performance and matches history

Luke Captain Falcon

28th out of 30
Matches statistics (8)
38% Win rate
Win 3
Draw 0
Lose 5
+ 3
- 5
+/- -2
Matches history (8)
Result Score Date
Win vs Parker Yoshi 1-0 2019-07-25
Win vs Dan Peach 1-0 2019-07-25
Lose vs AJ Fox 0-1 2019-07-25
Lose vs Parker Game & Watch 0-1 2019-07-25
Lose vs AJ Sheik 0-1 2019-07-25
Win vs Dan Zelda 1-0 2019-07-25
Lose vs Dan Zelda 0-1 2019-07-25
Lose vs AJ Fox 0-1 2019-07-25