Overall player performance and matches history

Liquid | Wolf[1]

2nd out of 64
Matches statistics (8)
75% Win rate
Win 6
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 6
- 2
+/- +4
Matches history (8)
Result Score Date
Lose vs PG | Ridley[2] 0-1 2019-05-16
Win vs eU | Megaman[20] 1-0 2019-05-16
Lose vs PG | Ridley[2] 0-1 2019-05-16
Win vs eU | Megaman[20] 1-0 2019-05-16
Win vs AR | Pit[8] 1-0 2019-05-16
Win vs Ice Climbers[48] 1-0 2019-05-16
Win vs C9 | Ken[32] 1-0 2019-05-16
Win vs Rosalina[64] 1-0 2019-05-16