Individual vanilla amiibo Amiibots Weekly Flash League III


28 March 2021
Overall player performance and matches history

nonSenseTaco - Byleth - Pieck

3rd out of 133
Matches statistics (13)
85% Win rate
Win 11
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 11
- 2
+/- +9
Matches history (13)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Kangoni - Byleth - PG Byleth 0-1 2021-04-01
Win vs Dirty - Link - The Homie 1-0 2021-04-01
Win vs Frost Byte - Dr. Mario - Dr. Mario 1-0 2021-04-01
Win vs Ika - Ridley - Spyro 1-0 2021-04-01
Win vs forenmagra - Dark Pit - Cecil 1-0 2021-03-31
Win vs Obsessed - Byleth - Incineroar 1-0 2021-03-30
Win vs Murbert - Terry - Rat Tail 1-0 2021-03-30
Win vs TrueTitan14 - Byleth - Roper 1-0 2021-03-30
Win vs MiDe - Banjo & Kazooie - Blaster 1-0 2021-03-29
Win vs Spike - Shulk - Gin 1-0 2021-03-29
Win vs Bunion J - Young Link - Deku Nut 1-0 2021-03-29
Lose vs Ika - Banjo & Kazooie - Alco & Hol 0-1 2021-03-29
Win vs LittleFang - Samus - Kuvira 1-0 2021-03-28