Overall player performance and matches history

colfon - Min Min

37th out of 139
Matches statistics (15)
60% Win rate
Win 9
Draw 0
Lose 6
+ 19
- 15
+/- +4
Matches history (15)
Result Score Date
Win vs soysauce - Captain Falcon 2-1 2025-01-23
Win vs colfon - Captain Falcon 2-1 2025-01-23
Lose vs Staples - Ness 0-2 2025-01-22
Lose vs kbee - Ness 1-2 2025-01-22
Win vs Mario Dude - Snake 2-0 2025-01-21
Win vs Carbon Show - Terry 2-1 2025-01-21
Win vs Noobinator - Donkey Kong 2-0 2025-01-20
Lose vs colfon - Snake 0-2 2025-01-19
Lose vs joah - Sephiroth 0-2 2025-01-18
Win vs Scuttler - Sora 2-0 2025-01-18
Lose vs kbee - Donkey Kong 0-2 2025-01-17
Win vs Staples - Bowser 2-0 2025-01-15
Win vs IGuano - Terry 2-0 2025-01-14
Win vs Scuttler - Bowser 2-0 2025-01-14
Lose vs ditto - Captain Falcon 0-2 2025-01-13