Overall player performance and matches history

Neg Blivyon | Clementine

49th out of 117
Matches statistics (9)
67% Win rate
Win 6
Draw 0
Lose 3
+ 13
- 6
+/- +7
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Qualification #2
Lose vs NEG | Jwilli 0-2 2016-02-01
Win vs IHOP Dan 2-0 2016-02-01
Lose vs Saef 1-2 2016-02-01
Qualification #1
Win vs Ronny 2-0 2016-01-31
Win vs LeTigre 2-0 2016-01-31
Win vs CrumJ 2-0 2016-01-31
Win vs Barbecue Chicken 2-0 2016-01-31
Win vs D I N G U S | Flamingo 2-0 2016-01-31
Lose vs NEG | Jwilli 0-2 2016-01-31