Overall player performance and matches history

CD | Juanpi

1st out of 16
Matches statistics (9)
89% Win rate
Win 8
Draw 0
Lose 1
+ 22
- 10
+/- +12
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Win vs Ulikander 3-1 2023-12-10
Win vs Ulikander 3-2 2023-12-10
Win vs joe 3-2 2023-12-10
Win vs ST | Nimrod 3-1 2023-12-10
Win vs CD | Behind 3-2 2023-12-09
Win vs Darkay 3-0 2023-12-09
Win vs chillin | needlesthrower72 2-0 2023-12-09
Lose vs joe 0-2 2023-12-09
Win vs SaF | MAU! 2-0 2023-12-09