Overall player performance and matches history

Mii Swordfighter

1st out of 80
Matches statistics (11)
91% Win rate
Win 10
Draw 0
Lose 1
+ 29
- 12
+/- +17
Matches history (11)
Result Score Date
Win vs Donkey Kong 3-2 2019-09-04
Win vs Donkey Kong 3-2 2019-09-04
Win vs Hero 3-2 2019-09-04
Win vs Cloud 3-1 2019-09-04
Win vs Olimar 3-1 2019-09-04
Win vs Zelda 3-0 2019-09-04
Win vs 1311G 3-1 2019-09-04
Lose vs Donkey Kong 2-3 2019-09-04
Win vs Ness 2-0 2019-08-31
Win vs Lucario 2-0 2019-08-30
Win vs Mii Brawler 2-0 2019-08-26