Overall player performance and matches history


17th out of 39
Matches statistics (12)
75% Win rate
Win 9
Draw 0
Lose 3
+ 22
- 11
+/- +11
Matches history (12)
Result Score Date
Qualification #1
Win vs Kredo 3-0 2019-06-23
Win vs Kredo 3-0 2019-06-23
Win vs TTW | Luigikid 3-1 2019-06-23
Win vs plan-B | Sophie the Warrior 2-1 2019-06-23
Win vs FlowKalm 2-1 2019-06-23
Lose vs TTW | Luigikid 0-2 2019-06-23
Win vs plan-B | Sophie the Warrior 2-0 2019-06-23
Win vs ReynTime 2-1 2019-06-23
Qualification #2
Lose vs Alpaka eSports | Saix 1-2 2019-06-23
Win vs Pausei 2-1 2019-06-23
Win vs J 2-0 2019-06-23
Lose vs Oasis | AleX 0-2 2019-06-23